Ivorian ex-young patriots leader Blé Goudé finally receives passport after ICC acquittal

Charles Blé Goudé
Charles Blé Goudé, the former leader of the "young patriots" was acquitted by the ICC in 2021

The President of the Pan-African Congress for Justice and Equality of Peoples (Cojep), Charles Blé Goudé received his passport from the hands of the Ivorian authorities on Monday, May 30, 2022 according to his lawyer, Maître N’dry Claver.

Acquitted definitively on March 31, 2021 by the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court (ICC), in the Netherlands in the case where he was co-accused of crimes against humanity in the aftermath of the serious crisis of 2011 which caused 3000 dead officially, the ex-detainee is still on Dutch territory, for lack of a passport.

Pending receipt of this document, the ICC had instructed the clerk in charge of this case to study with the Netherlands the measures governing the stay of this Ivorian on its territory.

With his passport, Charles Blé Goudé, the former leader of the “young patriots” can return to Côte d’Ivoire like Laurent Gbagbo, whose return to Ivorian soil has been effective since June 17, 2021.