ANC political leader cummings says Liberia Deserves Better; vows to win 2023 presidential  Election 

Alexander Cummings
ANC political leader Alexander Benedict Cummings

Liberia’s opposition leader Alexander  Benedict Cummings  of the Alternative National Congress (ANC) on Thursday vowed to win the forthcoming 2023 general and Presidential election  and transformed the oldest independent west african state into a better nation.

“We are bound to win and we will win,” the 2023 election as our nation and people’s deserve better lives and a better Liberia,” Liberia deserves better, the ANC Presidential hopeful said in Monrovia, as he confirmed  the Collaborating opposition political parties (CPP) participation in the election on behalf of the opposition movement.

“ As promise, the CPP will be on the ballot in 2023,”We will win the election’s and lead our country and people into a better future, Cummings said. Speaking to reporters at a news conference in Monrovia, the ANC Standard Bearer Cummings blasted that Conspiracy to stop real change movement and destroy the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), has failed.

He stressed that recently wrangling in the CPP and court trials was to destroyed the Collaboration, but said those persecution to weaken the CPP, has even made the CPP more stronger.

The real aim of the conspiracy against us was to keep us entangled in court with a bogus charge over our heads, up to and including, the period of the 2023 Elections, but We thank God for his blessings and continued protection, we also thank the Liberian people for their outpouring of supporr and prayers especially over the last 6 months, Cummings said.

Cummings further said those who are offended by the call for Real Change in managing the country are more accountably were weaponizing an eager and co- conspirator prosecution to dishonor and smear our head-earned reputation, but said the truth crushed to earth will rise again.

 ANC Flagbearer stressed the need that Liberians deserved better livelihoods, than to live in the alleviate of Poverty, where the ends always justify the means, which only helped to keep the country backward. He said it is time Liberian change the mindsets and beliefs, unites Liberian and work together to change Liberia as Liberia needs all Liberians, noting, “Poverty and hardship are respecters of no man. It doesn’t matter what your age is, your tribe, your gender, your region, or your religion.”

Cummings  said he will continue to oppose and disagree with the Weah-led Government, and even members of the opposition, who view public service as a chance to be served, to steal and to abuse the trust of the Liberian people.

He urged Liberians to resist the temptation of using division as a means to achieving political power because no one chooses where she is born, in what religion, tribe, gender or region.

“Using differences we have no control over to divide ourselves is destructive and only keeps us to where we are,” Cummings explained.