Haywood Mission boasts of quality education; graduates 114 students 

Haywood Mission
Haywood Mission Institute remains one of top schools in Liberia founded in 1931 [photo: Calvin Brooks]

One hundred and fourteen students of the Haywood Mission Institute  who successful passed the West African  Senior School Certificate Examination(WASSCE) for academic year 2021/2022 graduated over the weekend.

Speaking at the 51st graduation ceremony on the school campus in Sinkor Old Road, Former Judiciary Project Officer of the Supreme  Court of Liberia , Atty. Sandra Howard encouraged the graduates to pursuit higher education if the are to live quality life.

Atty. Howard stated that high school education is the foundation to advance their education sojourn to another level in the society.

She stressed that they should engage in reading books to enhance  their knowledge in the  respective professions noting that knowledge is power and the more they read  books, the better you understand  issues concerning life and improve living standard.

Atty. Howard challenged the graduates to remain focus in building their potential and capacity for national development transformation of Liberia in the near future.

Meanwhile,the Principal of the Haywood Mission Institute , Bishop Dr. Leo M. Simpson acknowledged that the school is one of the best schools in Liberia which has educated several Liberians over the years and they are  contributing toward nation building.

Bishop Simpson stated that the education of Liberian Children should  always be prioritized at all times for the betterment of the country.

He expressed joy over the performance of  114 students of the school  who set the  WASSCE exams and all passed successfully.

He recognized and honored  certain students who started the school from kindergatten level to their  graduation  as well as thanking their parents for standing  with their children to obtain quality education.

Haywood Mission Institute is a Christian institution which was founded in 1931 by Mrs. Manogna (M.C.) Bennette of the Vai ethnic group: who was taken away from Liberia at a very young age as a slave to the United States of America.