Rudolph Kwanue University to be Launched in May 2023

Prof. Dr. Rudolph Q. Kwanue University logo
Prof. Dr. Rudolph Q. Kwanue University logo

The Rudolph Kwanue University College, located  in Pipeline,Wein Town Community was recently approved accreditation by the National Commission on Higher Education (NCHE) as a University College in Liberia is expected to be launched in May of this year, founder and president of the RKU College, Bishop Prof. Rudolph Q. Kwanue, Sr. disclosed to the LPR-TV.

Founded 1st  June 2018, by a Liberian entrepreneur and humanitarian, Prof. Dr. Rudolph Q. Kwanue, Sr.

The College in 2018 proposed for Accreditation at the Liberian higher Educational arm’s the NCHE, and was only approved in December 2022 as a University College. 

Since the University Establishment, it has been successful in making great progress across the World with global Connection with other World top Educational institutions.

Rudolph Kwanue University College, which offers varieties of programs, professional courses, including Computer Science, Business Administration, Hospitality in hotels and tourism management, agriculture science, theology, education and engineering programs, that creates  quick Jobs, for Students enrolling, is also accredited Internationally by the Board of Quality Standard (BQS), Quality Assurance in High Education, QAHE, and has been approved by the California University for Foreign Validation on foreign Degrees program.

The Rudolph Kwanue University College is also affiliated with the International University of Management and Administration in Benin Republic that is accredited by the Government of Benin Republic and Nigeria.

In extension the University College shares corporate coordinations with Ballsbridge University in Domica Republic and exchange educational programs.

RKU, will also offers Graduate and under Graduate degrees programs for students in 163 nations World-wide, including Rwanda, Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal, among others, through its online courses, students will also have the option of earning credit from different HEIs and get a degree from the Rudolph Kwanue University through digital studies.

The University will also expand its mobile schools across the country; which aimed is to train teachers, business people, and the Christian community in general, Bishop Prof. Rudolph Q. Kwanue, Sr. disclosed.

Meanwhile, at the heart of Liberia, and the world at large, RKUC is a leading University committed to International excellence, world-changing research and high quality, inspirational teaching. The vision of the RKUC is to provides excellent educational services, to nation’s building, moding the minds of people, and to produce world class leaders for job opportunities in every sectors of the society.