Cote d’Ivoire takes drastic measures to tackle health and public sanitation

Ivory coast Parliament
an Ariel view of inside Ivorian Parliament[photo: Benjamin Tegbeh]

The government of Côte d’Ivoire through its health ministry, Hygiene and sanitation is expected to fine anyone the amount of 10,000 FCFA to 100,000 FCFA  (US$16 ) to ($165) for anyone who urinates on public roads or in gutters.

The Minister of Hygiene, Sanitation and Health, Bouaké Fofana,  on Tuesday May 16, 2023,  presented before the deputies who are members of the Committee on Research, Science, Technology and environment of the Ivorian National Assembly, the  new bill aimed at tackling public health.

At the end of his presentation, the bill was adopted unanimously by the deputies of the commission according to information gathered by our international correspondent based in Abidjan.

Thus, according to article 122 of the new law  made it  punishable by imprisonment of fifteen days to three months and a fine of 10,000 to 100,000 FCFA or one of these two penalties, anyone who urinates or defecates on the public road, in the gutters, squares and public beaches”.

As for article 124, however stated   punishment by imprisonment of one to three years, and a fine of 500,000 to 5,000,000 FCFA, or one of these two penalties only, anyone who installs noisy workshops or any other source of “intense noise” near schools, health establishments, homes and rest areas, parks, cemeteries, barracks, residential areas, administrative services and private businesses’ The new bill also specifies that a “period of 12 months is granted to comply with the provisions of this draft code”.

Ivory coast was among countries in west Africa that was affected the covid-19 pandemic and at such our correspondent said it is taking public health seriously.

The country recorded about 806 deaths to covid-19, however it remains unclear if the new public health law is  due to the covid-19 pandemic.