Rep. Somwarbi urges Liberians to give Weah term

Rep Joseph Somwarbi
Rep Joseph Somwarbi of District#3 Nimba County

Nimba Couny District #3 Representative Joseph N. Somwarbi is appealing Liberians to give President Geoge M. Weah a second chance to foster national development across the country.

Representative Somwarbi stated that President Weah is Striving to transform the socio and economic development of the nation and the people of Liberia should exercise restrain not to made mistake on October 10,2023 which will not be in the best interest of Liberia and its people.

The Nimba County Lawmaker made the assertion Tuesday at his Capitol Building Office in Monrovia.

According to him, problems confronting Liberia have been an old age issues and requires enough times for any administration to  actually address  them.

He noted that President Weah’ s  administration is making tremendous  effort to build roads in the leeward counties.

Representative Somwarbi stressed that pavement of roads are ongoing in Nimba County which are critical for the people in his district and the county at large and if President Weah is given the second term, he will complete them before said term expires in 2029.

He disclosed that his district has gone through major transformation from the health, education , roads and markets to enhance the living standard of people during the past five-year.

Meanwhile  the people of electoral district # 3 in Nimba County have petitioned Rep. Somwarbi  to contest for second term to enable him complete his remaining projects.

He urged Liberians to be appreciative for the level of development that national government is undertaking.