Local humanitarian group graduates Seven At-Risk youth ‘Zogos’ from Training program

Raising Godly
Raising Godly recently graduated seven persons from its training program [photo: Mark Gontor/ Raising Godly]

By Jasper Andrews

According to the United Nations Development Programme,  there are well over 75,000 disadvantaged youth or zogos in Liberia and can be found mainly in the urban areas. Although zogos can be of either gender, a 2019 survey by the Liberian government found that 91% them are men.

Many of them are jobless, homeless and addicted to drugs and make their living by snatching purses and phones from passers-by but there are been little efforts to rehabilitate  and get them out of the streets.

The government of Liberia in 2022 launched a $13million fund drive in order to raise money and rehabilitate the Zogos from the streets but the fund has since received less than $3million far below target.

However, some smaller organizations have been making efforts to weed out communities that have huge population of the less fortunate youths’ unknown as ‘Zogo’. To butress the government of Liberia effort, a local humanitarian group; Raising Godly Generation incorporated has rehabilitated and graduated seven of the disadvantaged or At-Risk youths.

They were being trained in cosmetology and other basic  normal behavioral pattern.

At the graduation program Former Montserrado District #3   Representative ‘Cllr. Kuku Dorbor praised Raising Godly Generation for its innovation   making ensuring that disadvantaged youth can be rehabilitated and become useful once again in society.

Cllr. Dorbor pledged her support to the organization and provided LRD$10,000 as initial contribution  to buttress the organization’s meager resources for more training.

The founder and Executive Director of Raising Godly Generation, Madam Shalom Livingston, says the organization  has started carrying out she termed “ghetto outreach”, going from  one ghetto to another in order to rehabilitate substance users.

She told Liberia Public Radio that that the organization is at the same time providing clinical treatment for disadvantaged youths that they rescue from the ghetto.

At the same time, an executive of Raising Godly Generation Mark K. Gontor thanked the United Nations Development Programme(UNDP)  and everyone who have been supporting the organization to archive its goal.

Rehabilitated Disadvantaged youths pose with Raising Godly administrators and Executives[photo Credit: Mark Gontor/Raising Godly Generation]

He also lauded the Ministry of Health  Mental health program  and other permanent citizens who are making sure their  program was sustained to have the first graduation. Mr. Gontor   Called on both the Private and Governments Agencies and Ministries to support the organization in rehabilitating disadvantaged youth (Zogos)  to become better citizens again in society.

The parents of the disadvantaged youth thanks the Raising Godly Generation for the great initiative and gesture for their children’s that have left their homes for so many years. Promised to welcome them back home and treats them with love and care.

‘Raising Godly Generation incorporated’  a non-profit Christian youth organization working with several persons to identify substance users (Narcotic) street children, disadvantaged women, and people living with mental health problems within Montserrado Countywide.

The organization is focused on improving the lives of the substance users, training them, and becoming more productive in their personal careers.