Unity Party Responds to purported elimination list trending on social in media Liberia

Unity Party Standard Bearer Joseph N Boakai
Unity Party Standard Bearer Joseph N Boakai during his lauch on Septmber 17, 2023

The former ruling party says a frivolous list created by the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) led government has been making rounds on various platforms on the social media.

The  purported “black list” circulated by mainly CDC zealous and collaborators claims to have names of people the Unity Party led government plans to eliminate.

The Unity Party categorically distance itself from such malicious lie masterminded  by the CDC for propaganda purposes.

“We are not surprise that a day after the Liberian people defied torrential rain and assembled to affirm their support for the Presidential bid of H. E Joseph Nyuma Boakai and the  Rescue Team, the CDC has gone in panic mood and as such; have resulted to using desperate propaganda to taint the democratic image of the Unity Party”, a release from the UP stated.

The UP notes that the only post war targeted list was created by the CDC immediately after they assumed the Leadership of Liberia and has since been targeting, eliminating and generally harming Liberians.

“The mysterious deaths of Albert Peter, Gifty Lama, Matthew Innis, et al are all clear examples of what the CDC has done and still desirous of doing to coverup their devilish activities against the poor masses of our people”, the party said.

The Unity Party believes all Liberians are equal and will be equally protected and included in the new government led by a responsible and experience public servant, Amb. Joseph Nyumah Boakai. No government has employed more opposition than the Unity Party led government.

We recall  the appointments of George Weah as Peace Ambassador of Liberia, Nathaniel Mcgill as Assistant Minister while still serving as Secretary General of the CDC, Samuel Tweah as Consultant at the Ministry of Finance and later on at the AFDB and host of others.

The party added that unlike the CDC that has skewed opportunities away from the people and made them strangers in their own economy, the Unity Party provided the platform for every Liberian to participate in the administration of their own affairs. Liberian businesses were on the horizon during the UP administration.

Elimination list
The purported list that is said to be from UP internal communication

The UP calls on the CDC to campaign on its record of service if there is any  and desist from childish propaganda that has the proclivity to undermine the peace and stability of the country.

The UP is calling on all partisans, members of Alliance parties and supporters of the rescue mission to continue with the door to door campaign and ultimately come out in their mass to vote against the CDC-led government on October 10, 2023.