PADEV recognizes Staffs for dedication and hard work

PADEV honorees
PADEV Team Lead Nobeh Jackson and Deputy along with Honorees[photo: Clarence Nah]

Motivation is the best tool to enhance efficiency and productive at every workplace as this encourages staffs of any institution to go behind the call of duties.

Consistent with the principle of motivation,  the management of Partners In Development(PADEV) on September 16, 2023 recognized the roles and responsibilities of several employees for their dedicatory services to the entity over the years.

These employees have been very much instrumental in driving the vision and objective of PADEV, thereby bringing about institutional growth and development.

Staff and employees of any organization are the fulcrum  and in recognition of that, PADEV held an elaborate dinner at the Royal Grand Hotel in their honor for notable services.

Addressing the gathering, USAID funded Conservation Works Activity (CWA) Deputy Chief of Party, Cllr. Uriah Goll lauded the honorees  for their dedication and commitment that  cause them to be recognized among their colleagues..

Cllr.  Goll believes that it is  because of the hard work of  the staffs , PADEV has become one of the fastest growing Non-governmental organizations in Liberia.

He described the honoring of those staffs as a positive initiative that will motivate them to go beyond and encourage others to follow their footprint.

The CWA deputy Chief of party said  one of the surest ways to  motivate workers is to recognize their efforts and commitment on the job which is being demonstrated by PADEV senior management team.

“When you build a team like this,  then you are building the organization strength so let me thank PADEV for recognizing these employees without any executive ”, he adds.

“ I know the growth of PADEV is due to its organizational structure name and a team work” he said.

PADEV Team Lead, Nobeh Jackson earlier admonished the honorees for their patience  and expressed further appreciate them for hard work and commitment  

Many Staffs of PADEV, Mr. Jackson said some times go through challenges due to the lack of funding and disclosed that they deserve to be given such accolade.

PADEV Dinner Night 2023
PADEV staff and senior management team

“Some of you work for over 13 months without pay but remain committed and we are rewarding you for your hard work. It was good to show our gratitude to you”, he maintained.

Awards presented includes; Most dedicated staff, Most Committed supervisor, Most serviceable Staff and Most outstanding staff, amongst others.

Partners in Development is one of the four organizations including a United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funded $19 million Conservation Works Activity (CWA) project which began in 2021.

 Additionally, Partners in Development established in 2016 is implementing several other conservation and biodiversity including community development projects in Liberia.