Liberian Woman Seeks Justice, accuses chief Justice of wrongly giving her daughter’s property to another person

Disputed land and property in question
Disputed property and land in question

By James Taina Karbah|National correspondent 

For 8 years now aLiberian woman has been bleeding for justice and seeking the intervention of the Media, Human right groups and humanitarians.

Olivia Newton Van Dorst currently residing in Belgium but represented in Liberia by her mother Pastor Mamie Brown in an nterview with Liberia Public Radio Media  asserted that the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Liberia has ordered against an Investment property belonging to her daughter.

She noted that  in 2016, the lower Civil Law Court rulled wrongly ruled in favor of Augustus Kormah after going into clossed chambers with the Judge who had filed a law suit against her daughter, claiming that the Land and property belong to him.

She added that property is lying and situated in Kende Town, Bonjal containing 3.5 lots, and her daughter has already invested hugely into it. 

Pastor Brown indicated that during the trial of the matter in the Civil Law Court, there was no investigative Survey conducted in order to establish whether or not her daughter’s property was indeed the very property that was described in the deed presented by Mr. Kormah in Court.

During the trial proceedings Miss. Newton was pressurised to bring her grantors who sold that land to her within one day or she would lose her property.

However, the grantors came and testified in the court under oath in front of the Judge, Lawyers, and people conserning confirming that they are the Legitimate seller of the land located at Kendeja to Miss. Newton and not  to Augustin B. Kormah.

The clergy woman representing her daughter further told reporters that Civil Law Court’s Ruling was solely based on the doctrine of older title, even though all of the Administrators of the Kende Inter Estate appeared in court and denied ever selling said property to Mr. Kormah, as he claimed.

She told our reporter that her daughter purchased her property in 2010, and Mr. Kormah claimed that he bought the property before her in 2006 from the same family.

Interestingly, in the Civil Law Court’s Ruling which was confirmed by the Supreme Court, it was ordered that the Plaintiff (Mr. Kormah) must be placed in possession of the property using the meets and bounds of the deed that he brought to Court.

Pastor Brown with tears in her eyes on behalf of her daughter noted that in adherence to the above order as contained in the Ruling, the Court wrote the Liberia Land Authority to appoint a registered Surveyor for said purpose.

She pointed out that on the 3rd day of April, 2023, Surveyor Albert D. Giah, Jr., of the LLA, wrote the Civil Law Court to report that unless corrections are made in the meets and bounds of Mr. Kormah’s deed, the deed did not point to her daughter’s property.

“How on this earth is it possible that a Supreme Court Judge whom supposed to be the Higgest person of Integrety of the Liberian Nation can stand behind such a rulling coming from her office that even the Liberia Land Authority after surveying claimes on oath that the Deed of Augustin B Kormah is nowhere to be located in the area where Miss. Newton’s Land is with her Property on it and then rules to turn this investment property over to him”, pastor Browne added.

She added that in response to several attempts by Mr. Kormah to force the LLA to place him in possession, despite the findings from Surveyor Giah, the Chairman of the Liberia Land Authority, on June 22, 2023, wrote a letter to the Civil Law Court, to inform the Court that it was extremely difficult and impossible to recommend the correction of a faulty deed to suit a target other than the meet’s and bounds of the deed.

Pastor Brown however said, subiect of the Writ of Possession as directed by the Court, strangely, and most regrettably, the Chief Justice has ignored and disregarded the above professional position of the LLA, and ordered that her daughter’s property be given to Mr. Kormah, without conducting of a survey with Mr. Kormah’s deed.

Meanwhile, Pastor Mamie Brown has pointed accusing fingers to Liberia current Chief Justice alleging that bribes was taken from Mr. Kormah thereby ruling in his favor.

She has vowed to ensure the matter is look into even if it requires that she takes flight to the ECOWAS Court adding the law will be tested to the fullest.