LANDESA and Partners open two-day Land Rights for Inclusive Action Conference


Landesa, in collaboration with the Rights and Rice Foundation  (RRF), has began a two-day conference styled “Land Rights for Inclusive Climate Action and Sustainable Development” funded by the Liberia Land Authority (LLA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

The conference was held at the Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Ministerial Complex in Oldest Congo in Monrovia.

Giving the Overview of the Conference, Everlyne Nairesiae, an official   of LANDESA said the conference aims to tackle the crucial intersection of land rights, climate change, and sustainable development, while pushing the need for climate action within the framework of land rights, striving for a sustainable and inclusive approach to land formalization.

She highlighted the conference outcome is towards building a resilient and climate-smart land tenure system, serving as a model for other African nations confronting similar challenges.

For her part the Chairperson of the National Civil Society Council of Liberia (NCSCL), Loretta Pope-Kai said Liberia is not ready to hold the National Carbon Market as relate to improving the issue of Climate here.


She said the ideas of pushing for a Carbon Market, is a threats without a legal framework, that will save-guide Liberia and protect it’s Climate, Madam Kai stressed the government should identifies it contexts as one of the least develope Country in the World, whom are mostly affected by Climate Change.

The NCSCL Boss, Pope- Kai, wants the government of Liberia focus it’s attention on a push for the Climate- Just- fundings, which will ehance not just the financial aspect of Climate Change Adaptations and mitigations, but will ensured equitable distributions.

” As We get engage into this discussion of Climate Change initiatives, involving the Carbon Market, push for Just-transition, ” We must push for Climate- Just- fundings, ” Climate Justice, which are processes to ensured we have fairness, equatable distributions around Climate Change

“ Liberia is not ready for Carbon Market, and we are seeing a whole lot of discussion, on Carbon – setting-up, ” Carbon Market, ” how do we go into a Market, when we don’t have a legal framework, She wonders.

Madam Loretta Pope- Kai, who called on President Amb. Joseph Nyumah Boakai to ensure Liberia develop the legal framework, to clearly identify problems affecting the issues of Climate Change  and in Liberia stated  how to mitigate those challenges- noting that the Country needs to understand its contexts as a natio solving the issue of Climate Change that is mostly affecting Women, whom are the primary users of the Forest and Land because of  engagement into farming activities.

“ We are not ready for Carbon Market, ” We need to push more for the Climate-Just-fundings and to Understand our Country Context, ” not just the financial side, but what do we have to support these initiatives, she said.

”So if you don’t have the Clear Roadmap, the Clear Path, to ensure what you are calling for as a Country it, wouldn’t work, ” so as a country our focus, should be on establishing a framework that will ehance our understanding as to what we are opting for, Madam Kai said.

Carbon trading is an important tools in global Climate Change Mitigations, an efforts that povide  incentives for  the reduction of  reenhouse gas emissions.

On the part of the National Civil Society Council of Liberia (NCSCL), Madam Loretta Pope-Kai, pledged her entity fully supports towards Climate Change, while noting that the (NCSCL) will push more for coordinations and information sharing as it relates resolving the devastating issue of Climate Change.

At the Same time, Madam Kai pleaded for Women to be given Titles Land Right, since in fact they are primary users of Land and are now in engage into discussion on Land Sales and Legitimate according to the 2018 Land Rights Act of Liberia.

”As we go through the formalization processes, ” We must also ensured that test of Powers given deeds to Women, especially those rural women, “ as they’re primary users of Land, We have to also ensure they’ve title rights to Land, ” Land is Life, Land is Power and Land is a form of Security, ” so we must ensured that these women are protected, Madam Kai Stressed.

Meanwhile the conference seeks to address the urgent need for climate action within the land rights framework, aiming to create a sustainable and inclusive approach to land formalization.

As Liberia grapples with the impacts of climate change, on focus of a more resilient way to address the issue of Climate -smart land tenure system.