President Boakai admonishes graduates of UMU to be transformative

Graduates of the United Methhodist University 2024
Graduates of the United Methhodist University 2024

President of Liberia Dr. Joseph Nyumah Boakai, has admonished graduates of the United Methodist University (UMU) to shift their mindset that will enhance a transformative Change in the Society.

President Boakai urged the graduates to abreast with the critical change of mindset, which will enhance a pathway for transformation as they envisaged in a new Liberia, with better opportunities and a bright future as they walk out of the world of the University, entering into the larger society.

Speaking briefly on the topic a Transforming the Mindset for Societal Change” President Boakai said a Transformative Mindset for Societal Change begins with the individual themselves before a societal problem.

“We must always remember that our mindset informs our behavior, which in turn shapes our society, and to build a better society, it is important that we begin holding conversations that will lead to a positive mindset shift now.

It should not be about harmful individualism that leads to greed and corruption but about societal change for the common good, ” So I urged you graduates of the UMU of which is my Alma Mata, ” as I reflect on my graduation several years ago, ” this which I am gratify as President of Liberia, that you will now allows a Transformative Change in your Career and mindset as you step out of this University, President Boakai admonished the graduates.

Speaking further President Boakai urged graduates going into the Society, especially Liberians to change the predominant norms of negative mindset of their Country, people and abreast to a Transformative Change.

”We must start challenging these predominant norms that have overtaken our society and negatively impact behavior. We need a mindset shift to break the recurring challenges of underdevelopment in our country; As we must see things differently, treat others with mutual respect, and view service from a more compassionate lens than individualism and greed, which fuels the scourge of corruption so prevalent in our country. On this note, I would like to quote Pope Francis who poignantly said:

 “Rivers do not drink their own water; trees do not eat their own fruit; the sun does not shine on itself, and flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves. Living for others is a rule of nature. We are all born to help each other. No matter how difficult it is … Life is good when you are happy; but much better when others are happy because of you.”

“Change comes when we develop the mindset to break from the past and free ourselves of such notions, undermining progress. The change we must seek should challenge these societal vices and their agency. A transformed mindset that opens up the space and grants everyone equal opportunity builds the foundation for an equal and compassionate society”, the President said.

He said despite the long years of Civil War in Liberia, Regrettably Liberians don’t understand the needs for transformative Mindset that will lead to a Societal Change and development of their Country but they rather engage in negativity to bring their country down, while spending more time bringing each other down and missing the opportunity to upgrade themselves.

“We are aware that years of war and violence have had a social impact on our country, but we must also acknowledge that we have had many years of peace, stability, and opportunities to reshape society, in ways that should allow us to frown on behaviors that eat the very fabric of society.

Liberian president Joseph Boakai

 The growing decline in good moral standards is of great concern to me, and it is becoming increasingly evident that until we address bad public behavior in society, generations will come to believe norms that are inimical to society.

 The lack of respect and love for each other is demonstrated daily in many ways across society in the way we think and talk and use media channels including the radio to tear each other apart for greed and selfish reasons.

 Citizens, it seems now, are prepared to undermine each other, and lie to protect their jobs, even if it is detrimental to the public good, President Boakai intoned.

He lauded UMU President Dr. Yar Donlah Gonway for the Invitation Extended he to served as Special Guest of the 19th Commencement Convocation of the United Methodist University, held in Doemah Town Campus, Margibi County, Liberia.

For her part, Dr. Yar Donlah Gonway, challenges graduates of the Institution to continue being the Light that shines brightest in the Society as they becomes more meaningful contributors to nation-building.

She urged them to create an open minds, in their journey to success as they yeal for better opportunities entering in the largest society, ” at the Same times admonishing them to be more compassionate and forgiven in their pursue.


Meanwhile, the United Methodist University at the Ceremony conferred an honorary doctorate