Dr. Robtel Pailey ‘unapologetic’ to America over Liberia independence Day oration

Robtel Pailey
Dr. Robtel NeeJai Pailey Liberia's 177th Independence DayOrator [photo: Executive Mansion Liberia]]

During an interview Saturday  Dr. Robtel Pailey, the speaker for Liberia’s 177th Independence Day, affirmed that she stands by every statement made in her speech.

Previously,the charge d’affairs of the American embassy near Monrovia walked out of the hall after Dr. Pailey claimed that “America has gotten so much from Liberia” compared to what it has given.

 The embassy later characterized her statement as rhetorical with no evidence.

When asked about this, Dr. Pailey reiterated her stance, stating,

“I owe no one an apology. I stand by my statements and every word, sentence, and paragraph because, as I mentioned earlier, I am a scholar par excellence of Liberia. I am a Liberian citizen, not an American citizen, and I have a deep love for this country.”

She was speaking during an interview with journalist Varflay Kamara on state radio just before boarding her flight back to London.

The 42-year-old Liberian statment has sparked debate in many corners of the country with many people supporting her while other disagree