President Biden ‘deeply concerned’ about apparent leak of Israel’s plan to attack Iran

For weeks Israel has been deciding how and when to respond to Iran's latest missile attack[photo: BBC News]

White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby stated that President Joe Biden is “deeply concerned” about the disclosure of confidential documents that include the United States’ evaluation of Israeli intentions to attack Iran.

According to Mr. Kirby, authorities are still unsure if the data were made public because of a hack or a leak.

Over the weekend, Speaker of the House of Representatives Mike Johnson acknowledged that the documents had been published. They reportedly restrict the mobility of Israeli military forces in anticipation of a reaction to Iran’s missile strike on October 1.

A spokesman for Iran’s foreign ministry declared that the nation was ready to defend against any Israeli assault.

According to CBS, the BBC’s US partner, the top-secret records could be shared among members of the Five Eyes intelligence alliance, which consists of the United States, Britain, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia.

is no “indication” that additional documents will “[find] their way into the public domain”, Mr Kirby said Monday.

He also stated that he hopes to learn about the steps that would be taken “to prevent it happening again” and that President Biden “will be actively monitoring” the probe to find out how the documents were disclosed.

Israel has been debating how and when to react to Iran’s most recent missile attack for weeks. It will be “deadly, precise, and surprising,” Israel’s defense minister has warned.

Israel’s nuclear capabilities, which neither the US nor Israel ever formally recognize, are mentioned in one document, seemingly ruling out the use of such a weapon in any planned strike.

According to a former US intelligence official who spoke to the BBC, the unapproved publication was most likely an attempt to reveal the scope of the intended retribution, perhaps even to thwart it.

According to authorities who spoke to the Associated Press (AP), the US is looking into whether the information was stolen, possibly through hacking, or purposefully disclosed by a US agent.

According to reports, the two documents, which were posted on a Telegram account with an Iranian affiliation on Friday, seem to be from the US National Geospatial Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency (NSA).

CNN said on Sunday that “the leak is very concerning” from Johnson, the topHe added that President Biden “will be actively monitoring” the investigation to uncover how the documents were released, and he intends to hear measures that will be taken “to prevent it happening again”.

For weeks Israel has been deciding how and when to respond to Iran’s latest missile attack. Israel’s defense minister has warned it will be “deadly, precise and surprising”.