About Us

The technological advancement has witnessed the emergence of the internet radio stations which are essential communication tools, particularly in an area where the availability of radio frequencies and spectrum to private user are limited. As part of this technological advancement, Liberia Public Radio (LPR) was created and established on February 13, 2011 by a Liberians Diaspora living in the United States. The LPR objectives are to promote a prosperous and vibrant Diaspora community and offer a platform which respects the free exchange of ideas, promotion of unity and peace and to provide favorable environments where everyone will be treated with respect based on our rich culture.  Secondly, Voice of Gedeh also seeks to engage those who disagree with us by offering them an opportunity to express their opinions without discrimination.  The LPR seeks to engage opinion leaders in discussing national and International issues that tend to shift the common destiny of all peoples.


The mission of the Liberia Public Radio is to give voice to the Diaspora Community in engaging in a dialogue that promotes democracy, stability, peace, socio-economic development, to provide responsible and accurate information, and to be a platform where the community can discuss all issues in search of solutions and to be consistent with the various national and international regulations and laws.

The Values and Principles of Liberia Public Radio for Development are:

·         Information that we broadcast is accurate, relevant and responsible.

·         We are transparent and balanced in the discharge of our editorial duties at all times.

·         We recognize that the promotion of national security, peace and stability remains our sacred duty.

·         We pledge to promote and practice press freedom and human dignity.

·         We are respectful to all and will ensure access for all who wish to air the views.

·         We are committed to be honest and supportive of the objectives and plans of the LPR.

·         All broadcasts are directed towards increasing community, national and international harmony, unity, peace and stability.

·         Special emphasis in programming is placed to the themes that assist and support the unprivileged, the marginalized and voiceless members of society.

·         While realizing that certain areas of programming concern will be, of their nature political as well as religious, LPR will allegiance itself to no specific political party or religious class as it strives to provide balanced coverage of events.

·       The LPRis committed to be a non-profit – this means that the community radio station will not operate as a private enterprise for profit making, but rather as a communication tool for the community that is based on voluntarism.


Board of Directors

The purpose of the Board of Directors is to serve as legates for the station, adopt policies, hire an Executive Director, approve the appointment of station manager, and raise funds.  The policies are generally outlined in the station’s manual which includes personnel policies for volunteers, grievance procedures, programming policy and consultancy, and service contracts.

The Board of Directors has the authority to communicate the station’s Mission, develop its Bylaws, define the roles of Board Members, develop their job description, and that of the Executive Director and the Station Manager, and handle strategic planning and financial resources development.

It is also within the responsibility of the Board of Directors to ensure that staff and volunteers, especially on-air personnel, sign a corroboration form that they have received and read the station’s operational manual. The Board of Directors shall regularly substantiate that all on-air personnel comply with the station’s Value and Principles.

Executive Director

The Executive Director is the Chief Executive Officer of LPR and reports to the Board of Directors. The Executive Director has responsibility for the management of the station – both the FM and the website, and supervises the Station Manager and the Financial and Resources Development Manager. The Executive Director also directs the implementation of the station’s Values and Principles and has the responsibility to approve consultancy and volunteer contracts; news and program contents and ensure full compliance with best journalistic practices.

Station Manager

The Station Manager is entrusted with designing and implementing the station’s news and programs content. The Station Manager is authorized to initiate hiring of on-air personnel, Bureau Directors, Correspondents and volunteers. The Station Manager also has responsibility for identifying and implementing training news and program staff as well as volunteers in consultation with the Executive Director.

Financial and Resources Development Manager

The Financial and Resources Development Manager ensures that income and expenses are managed correctly so that the station operates within its budget. The FRD Manager also ensures that an accurate budget is derived and assists the Board of Directors on issues of fundraising. The FRD shall also oversee the bookkeeping of the station and secure an audit or financial reviewer of the records each year as consistent with the directive of the Board of Directors. Audits may be necessary with some grantors. Others may only request a financial statement which can be generated from well-organized financial records.  In sum, we at Voice of Gedeh recognize that this station is created for our listeners and with our listeners as the central point of our work. Voice of Gedeh will strive to remain an invaluable platform for the exchange of ideas about issues that matter most to the Diaspora Liberian Community, our inner cities, and our compatriots in Liberia and around the world who would like their voice to be heard on issues of national and international concerns. However in the discharge of our responsibility, we pledge to be responsible, honest, and balanced so that our listeners benefit from a quality centered broadcast. This is our pledge to you, this is our commitment and this is our contract with our listeners and sponsors. Welcome to Voice of Gedeh, the voice of the voiceless, and where facts and truth matter!