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Liberian senate seeks clarity on U.S. Embassy’s statement against Senator Prince Johnson’s integrity

The Liberian Senate says it acknowledges the U.S. Embassy’s concerns on the election of the Senator Prince Y. Johnson as the Chairman of the Senate top Committee. Johnson was recently elected chairman on Defense, Security,...

MRU, UNOWAS hold high-level sub-regional meeting of Ministers of Defense and Chief of defense...

The Mano River Union (MRU) Secretariat and the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), will hold   a two-day high-level Ministers of Defense and Chiefs of Defense Staff of the military...

Bloomfield Investment Agency Launches Country Risk Conferences in Côte d’Ivoire

Benjamin Tegbeh|LPR News, Abidjan Ivory Coast  is said to be making efforts to reduce risk the country facing in the wave of the global coronavirus pandemic. Côte d'Ivoire like many West African countries were affected by...

Government warns media houses of relay of popular opposition program

The government of Liberia has  warned the managements of Sky Communications and Radio Bushrod (D15 Radio) against relaying in the future the broadcast of Mr. Henry Costa, who is  currently a “fugitive from Liberian...

Diana interview: PM concerned after inquiry into BBC deceit

The BBC should take "every possible step" to ensure that nothing like its deceit of the Princess of Wales to secure an interview ever happens again, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said. The PM said...

Liberian Police Gunned Down Five Armed Robbers in popular Redlight District...

Paynesville – Five robbers were early Thursday morning gunned down by officers of the Anti-Robbery Unit of the Liberia National Police while in an arm robbery attempt at the Fresh Frozen Food Liberia cold...

United Methodist Human Rights Monitor backs U.S. Embassy statement against Sen. Prince Johnson

By Calvin Quays| LPR News, Monrovia The United Methodist Human Rights Monitor(UMHRM) has supported the United States Embassy statement issued  against Nimba County Senator Prince Y. Johnson.  According to the Program Director of UMHRM Jefferson Knight,...

Boy, 16, arrested for chopping-off friend’s hand

By Emmanuel wise Jipoh|LPR News, Barclayville Police in Grand Kru county have arrested a man who chopped-off his friend hand following confrontation over a bag of mineral water. Nimely Toe, 16, chopped-off 17-yearld-old Sedeke Sackor hand...

African Development Bank Reviews Strategic Document on Environmental and Safeguards issues in cote d’ivoire

By Benjamin Tegbeh| LPR News, Abidjan The African Development Bank during the mission of the mid-term review of the Country Strategy Document (2018-2022) has included a recommendation and the need to organize a training session on...

ILO National Coordinator wants Liberia Labor Convention ratify

By Calvin Quays|LPR News, Monrovia The International Labour Organization (ILO) has called for the ratification of international Lobour Conventions in Liberia. According to the Country  Coordinator of ILO Salif Massalay, the ratification of the Labor Conventions...