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Local humanitarian group graduates Seven At-Risk youth ‘Zogos’ from Training...

By Jasper Andrews According to the United Nations Development Programme,  there are well over 75,000 disadvantaged youth or zogos in Liberia and can be found mainly...

UNDP Deputy Rep calls for increase in agricultural productivity to improve...

Monrovia Liberia; 14 October 2022: The Deputy Resident Representative for Programme at UNDP is calling for a sustainable and viable seed production programme to...

Fornor and associated communities set up Artisanal & Small Scale (ASM)...

Monrovia, Liberia; July 18, 2022: Fornor town and associated villages in Grand Cape Mount County have taken steps to promote environmental management with the...

GoL, UNDP construct new Magisterial Court in Botota

The people of Botota in Bong County have access to a new Magisterial Court constructed with funding from the government of Sweden implemented by...

Government and partner roll out Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting following...

Ganta, Liberia: April 4, 2021 – The Government of Liberia, with support from UNDP, has completed training-of-trainers (TOTs) capacity building for local government personnel   from...

EPA Inspectors Get Extra Training To Curb Environmental Abuses

Calvin Quays|Contributor Liberia Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) have concluded a two-day technical gender participatory training for environmental inspectors...

UNDP Resident Representative says the success of Dec. 8 senatorial poll...

By Moses M. Tokpah|Margibi Contributor The Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Pa Lamin Beyai says the successful conduct of the Mid-Term...