Annoyance: Over disputed District#15 by election rerun, Liberia’s ruling party vows to boot out opposition employees in government

CDC Chairman Mulbah Morlu

Liberia’s electoral body, National Elections Commission (NEC)  has called for rerun of 6 disputed voting precincts in the recent Montserrado district #15 by-election.

 The governing party, Coalition for Democratic Change has taken exception while at the same time claiming victory for its candidate Abu Kamara.

The complaint was filed by opposition Representative Candidate Telia Urey after CDC candidate Kamara took an early lead in the provisional results early this month.

Ms. Urey, backed by former governing Unity Party, Liberty Party and the Alternative National Congress, contested on the ticket of the All Liberian Party of Businessman turned politician Benoni Urey.

Giving the final ruling into the matter Wednesday, the NEC Chief Hearing Officer Cllr. Muana Ville mandated the National Elections Commission to hold the rerun election for the six precincts within 10 working days.

Cllr. Ville indicated that the precincts quarantined in the recent district # 15 by election have been compromised and there was need for a rerun. He said any attempt for NEC to consider the quarantined votes will undermine the principle of transparent elections.

Cllr. Ville added that though complainant Telia Urey pleaded for a rerun of the entire poll, but her request could not be accepted because recently elected Senator Abraham Darius Dillon benefitted from the same ‘questionable’ voter registration listing.

Opposition backed candidate  Telia Urey


Complainant Telia Urey at the end of the hearing told reporters that she was satisfied with the NEC Hearing Office, even though her wish for the entire rerun of the District#15 election poll was not granted.

However candidate Urey has expressed her readiness for the pending rerun of the 6 precincts, saying she will emerge as winner.

Accusing fingers at NEC officials

Addressing a news conference following the pronouncement of the final ruling by the commission, Coalition for Democratic Change’s Chairman Mulbah Morlu said the party is not satisfied with the ruling.

Mr.  Morlu said the governing party does not support any ruling that calls for a rerun of the election.

According to the Morlu, some officials at the National Elections Commission have already been compromised and are “dancing” to the tone of the opposition community.

Mulbah Morlu at the same time promised to lead campaign against opposition members working in the Weah government to be booted out.

He alleged that members of the opposition community who were retained by the current administration are the ones undermining the very government they are working for.

He noted that it is now time that members of the CDC take back their jobs by occupying positions in government, perceiving that gone are those days where his recommendation of CDcians to work in their government was rejected.

Threats on NEC chairman

It can be recalled that unknown men who allegedly barricaded the home of Cllr. Jerome Kokoyah were demanding the speedy release of the just ended District#15 bye-election result on ground that the NEC chairman was attempting to cheat the ruling party’s candidate.

NEC Chairman Jerome Kokoyah

In an interview with the Voice of America (VOA) Day Break Africa program on August 2, Cllr. Jerome Korkoyah explained that he received a phone call on Thursday evening while on his way home that some unknown individuals were chanting slogans and threatened to brunt down his house along with his family. 

According to Chairman Korkoyah, the unknown individuals disclosed their actions to what they termed as “delay” in releasing the just ended Montserrado County senatorial and representative bye election. 

He further explained that he informed Liberia’s Justice Minister Musa Dean about the situation and officers of the Liberia National Police were immediately assigned at his home to calm the situation although no arrest was made.

Korkoyah disclosed that Liberia constitution  gives 15 days to the National Election Commission to announce results after vote have been cast.