Expelled Liberian player apologizes for wrongdoing

Tonia Tisdel has 13 caps for the Lonestar
By Daniel Garteh
Barely 24 hours following his expulsion from the senior  National team of Liberia, Liberian player Tonia Tisdel has offered an apology for his misconduct that landed him in trouble with new coach Peter Butler.
Player Tisdel has had 13 caps for the Lonestar was expelled on Thursday following the country’s 3-1 victory over neighboring Sierra Leone for ‘gross disrespect’ to the coach and other team members.
According to coach Butler, Tonia has also shown disrespect to the code of conduct, adopted by the Liberia Football Association (LFA) late July, and delivered to all players following their arrival in Monrovia.
“As a consequence of your insolent acts as stated above and reported by the head coach, we have no other alternative but to release you from the camp henceforth,” said LFA secretary-general Isaac Montgomery in a letter to Tonia on Thursday.
On Friday afternoon, Tonia took to his official face book page to apology for his attitude towards the team and players.  “It is a difficult time for me right now, at times we make mistakes to learn from them, he adds.
“Let me use this platform to apologize to the general public for my actions toward the National Team of Liberia”. 
“I have been faced with some personal family issues that led to my regrettable response.
“My actions were so wrong and there is no excuse for such act as a professional, especially from one of the longest serving player on the National Team”, he continues.
“I came to serve my country and I have always come out here in good faith knowing that my best will be good enough to help the National Team.
He said: “I want to apologize to the coaching staffs, the Liberia Football Association, my teammates, the Ministry of Youth and Sport, my fans et al, he further stated.
 Liberia is expected to under the return leg of the World Cup qualifiers game away in Freetown on September 8, 2019. 
Tisdel  made his debut in a goalless draw against Algeria at the Samuel Kanyon Doe Sports Complex in a 2010 World Cup qualifier on 11 October 2008.

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