British Government Trains Liberian forest Rangers

Liberia FDA rangers in Gbarpolu County [SCNL/Liberia]

At least 10 rangers from Liberia’s Forestry Development Authority (FDA) headed by the Manager of the Confiscation Unit Alis Kais have begun a three-week long advanced training course that could equip them ably counter illegal wildlife trade among other forest related crimes.

The training is being held in Freetown, Sierra Leone from March 2 to 27, 2020.

The rangers are among hundred others including law enforcement officials drawn from across the Mano River Union (MRU) region, an FDA release said.

 The training package and all related costs are being shouldered by the British government, something the management of the Forestry Development Authority described as highly commendable.  

It can be recalled that last year British Ambassador to Liberia, David Belgrove promised his government’s commitment to provide advanced training for Liberia’s forest rangers and sharpen their skills to combat forest crimes consistent with the global tenet of conservation of nature.

Ambassador Belgrove’s commitment followed a request by FDA Managing Director; C. Mike Doryen for the critical need for advanced trainings among other things to equip Liberia’s Forest Rangers like is done in other countries to enable them effectively fight wildlife and forest crimes.

He told the Ambassador at the time that advanced  training for the forest rangers will help them become  more vigorous in securing the forest especially at this time when the habits of poaching and illegal killing of wildlife has become the way of life for some ill-intent people, which he noted grossly undermines the work of the FDA.

Meanwhile, FDA Managing Director C. Mike Doryen has praised the British Government through Ambassador Belgrove for the gesture he described as worthy and timely gesture, especially at a time when FDA is focused on conservation efforts in collaboration of all its traditional partners.

He then hoped for more of such support from the British government in subsequent time.   



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