Nimba County Inspector Wants citizens respect ‘State of emergency’ as he ends a two day Covid-19 awareness tour

Inspector Mark Gblinwon on tour at Nimba-Grand Gedeh border

By Daniel Garteh|Saclepea, Nimba

Nimba County Inspector B. Mark Gblinwon has concluded a two day distribution of anti Covid 19 materials, awareness and explanation of the State of Emergency to ordinary citizens in central and lower Nimba County. 

Mr.  Gblinwon who started his awareness in Saclepea central Nimba met with group of motorcyclist and cautioned them to respect the rule of law and explained the danger pose by the coronavirus to human life. 

It was reported by the joint Security assigned in Saclepea that cyclists in the city were not obeying the 3:00PM mandate imposed by the Government of Liberia requesting all citizens to be home during such hour. 

Inspector Mark Gblinwon in meeting with joint security members[photo: Daniel Garteh]

Speaking to the group of cyclists at the city compound, Inspector Gblinwon advised the cyclists to respect the security apparatus to avoid confrontation with them.  

He narrated that while they as county administrators are asking the security apparatus to be moderate with  the citizens, they should in return respect the 3:00PM mandate. 

Gblinwon cautioned the cyclists to understand that the government’s mandate is intended to protect all citizens and curb the spread of the Covid 19 in Liberia. 

The newly appointed Nimba inspector also distributed several anti-Covid 19 materials to towns and villages along the Saclepea- Tappita highway admonishing them to always wash their hands, avoid crowded gathering and abide by all health protocols given by the Ministry of Health and the National Public Health institute of Liberia (NPHIL).

The tour by the county inspector was extended to the boundary between Nimba and Grand Gedeh where he also talked with the joint Security assigned at the Cestos Bridge. 

He appreciated the joint Security for the effort in helping to restore claim and protecting lives and property, at the same time consulting with them to ensure that food stuffs, petroleum products, drugs and other essential goods are provided to the people in the South East, Nimba and other parts of the country. 

Mr. Gblinwon explaining  to LPR reporter after the tour disclosed that he had early received series of information from citizens the personal of the Armed forces of Liberia assigned at the Cestos bridge were not allowing the free flow of essential goods to both sides of the bridge, something he said was far from the truth. 

Gblinwon asserted that while Government has mandated that there should be no movement of people from one county to another, they as local authorities cannot allow the ordinary citizens die from hunger and starvation.