RAL expresses concern over safety during Coronavirus outbreak

RAL secretary General Mark Mengonfia[photo: Ecowas Radio]

The Leadership of the Reporters Association of Liberia says it is troubled and concerned upon hearing that one of their members in Nimba County has tested positive of the Coronavirus ( COVID-19).

A release quotes the institution’s President, Cecelia Clarke as saying that they as leadership are making follow-ups with the Tappita Hospital Authorities and other reporters who are currently quarantined to get detailed information as soon as possible.

Madam Clarke is meanwhile calling on all Reporers Association of Liberia members to at all times follow the health protocols as means of keeping safe.

Madam Clarke indicated in the release that COVID-19 is not a death sentence and are hopeful that their member will definitely recover from the sickness.

It can be recalled that a local journalist from the voice of Tapita Radio station was on Saturday April 18, 2020 tested positive for the Coronavirus after he was showing signs and symptoms.

The release under the signature of the institution Secretary General, Mark Mengonfia reiterates previous call for support to enable them identify with reporters providing coverage during these critical times.