Health Ministry employee detained for using unknown Chemical in Nimba

The man accused of using harmful chemical in Ganta Aaron Kromah [photo:Daniel Garteh]

By Daniel Garteh|LPR News, Ganta

For illegally spraying a community with an unknown chemical, an employee of Nimba County Health Team has been placed behind bar and awaiting investigation.

The incident occured  in Glenyiluu Community in Ganta city after community members raised eyebrows  and began inhaling the   unknown chemical. 

The health Ministry employee  who is identified  as Aaron Kormah works in the Curative Services Department under Nimba County Health Team and is assigned at the Ganta Community Clinic. 

Explaining after he was arrested on Sunday in the community, he revealed that he was informed that a man died of COVID-19 in the community and decided to go to sympathize with the bereaved family and also   disinfect the area. 

Kormah clarified that he was not sent by any health authorities to disinfect the community where the death occurred. 

Onlookers’ attention was drawn to Aaron when he un-authorizingly  sprayed the area and a lady who directly inhaled the liquid immediately developed a respiratory problem. 

Our correspondent quoted onlookers that the Lady was unable to talk for about over five hours after she inhaled the liquid.

According to our reporter, Nimba County Health Team was immediately contacted about the situation if they were in the know about Kormah’s action. 

He added that Nimba County Health Officer, Dr. Philip Saah and some officials of the World Health Organization in Liberia visited the community to investigate the matter. 

After being cross examined by health authorities, Aaron was later turned over to the Liberia National Police Ganta detachment where he is being detained for further investigation.  

Dr. Saah and his team then paid a visit to the Ganta Community Clinic where Aaron claims to work to make some inquiries if they were the one who instructed him to spray the area. 

Addressing Journalists at the Clinic, Dr. Saah said it was established that Aaron Kormah works in the employ of the Ganta Community Clinic as Laboratory technician. 

Authorise at the clinic indicated that they knew nothing about his action. 

 “We got a call this morning that someone had forcibly gone to a community where we lost someone to COVID-19 recently to spray the area and someone has developed respiratory problem as a result of the spray, Ganta Clinic administration adds..

Dr. Saah explained that they have established so far that Kormah works under the County Health Team according to his ID card. 

“We saw the ID Card and every information on the ID card is true. From his ID card we accept that he is an Employee of the Ministry of Health”, Dr. Saah disclosed.

Dr. Saah further mentioned that Aaron will remain in police custody until the lady who developed respiratory problem recovers. 

The Lady was asked by Dr. Saah to go to hospital for medical check-up but she refused for fear of being harmed or diagnosed with COVID-19.

Up to this publication, our reporter is begin informed that the lady has not recovery and still have the respiratory distress.