Renowned Liberia Philanthropist donates to several institutions home and abroad

TDI officials present rice and other items[photo: Daniel Garteh]

By Daniel Garteh|LPR News, Sanniquellie

A renowned Liberian philanthropist and son of Nimba County based in the U.S. has donated several food and none food items value a little over LRD$235,200 or $1,200 USD to various institution and individuals across the country and Liberians living in neighboring Ghana admist the fight against the coronavirus.  

Mr. Owen Johnson Tuazama who is the Chief Executive Officer of the Tuazama Development Initiative (TDI), a charity organization distributed rice to over 200 families in Duazon lower Margibi County and in Bahn City, Nimba County as part of what TDI calls “coronavirus relief” packages. 

Making donation on behalf of the institution, the Supervisor of TDI in Liberia Cyrus Nah said, it was the institution own way of identifying with the ordinary people who could not afford food for themselves. 

He used the occassion and encourage the citizens to follow all preventive health measures prescribed by the Ministry of Health and the National Public Health institute of Liberia (NPHIL) to combat the killer disease. 

Nah indicated that TDI is an institution that does not pick and choose, adding that their focus is to give back to their people and always put smile of their faces.  

The TDI Supervisor mentioned that they are aware that some family members are finding it extremely difficult to get food especially during this global pandemic. 

TDI recently donated about 9 bags of 25kg rice to 8 community radio stations and an online TV (Nimba D- 9 TV) in Nimba for their continue services in disseminating quality information to the public more especially during this crisis period. 

Making the presentation in Sanniquellie City Nimba County recently on behalf Owen Johnson Tuazama and the Tuazama Development Initiative, a friend of Owen and TDI Joseph Solo Jr explained that Owen believes that the work done by community journalist in Nimba was a sacrificial job to the public, as such, there was a need to empower them to continue their good work to the public. 

Solo further mentioned that in 2014 during the Ebola outbreak, TDI was one of the few institutions that made huge donation of rice to citizens across the county. 

He mentioned that it was not the first of it kind for the Tuazama Development Initiative to make such intervention especially during such critical time. 

Over the weekend, the Tuazama Development Initiative also donated about 15 gallons of gasoline to the joint Security in Gompa City as part of her “covid -19 relief” packages and helping the security to continue their regular patrol. 

Speaking during the donation on behalf of TDI, a staff of the organization Miss Gifty Willie lauded the efforts of the joint Security in Gompa and admonished them to  remain steadfast in saving lives and property. 

Miss Willie disclosed that TDI was appreciative of the joint Security for the extraordinary work they are doing especially at this critical period in the county.

In addition recently, TDI made some food donations to Liberians living in the Buduburam refugee camp in Ghana. 

The charitable organization Ghana intervention during this pandemic period was made specifically for vulnerable people including the physically challenge and the elderly. 

Receiving the items, the heads of the various institutions lauded TDI through its CEO Owen Johnson Tuazama for always thinking about them. 

For his part, the President of the Nimba County Community Radio Association NICORA Mr. Kennedy S. Domah said, that he was very grateful to Mr Tuazama and his organization for thinking about journalist who were risking their lives to disseminate the covid-19 message to the ordinary people and asked others to follow the good example of TDI. 

Also appreciating TDI the leadership of Association of Liberian community in Ghana( ALICO_GH ) asserted that it was very much grateful to Hon. Owen Johnson Tuazama to procured food for Liberian people during this global pandemic especially the vulnerable people including the physically challenged,and the elderly. 

The Liberian Community at the Buduburam Camp in Ghana through its Program Director Alvin S. Gbor Sr sounded a passionate pleade to Liberians living in the diaspora and other humanitarian organizations to come to their aid. 

“We are humbly appealing for an assistance from our people in the diaspora to cater for our people during this global pandemic time.”, a dispatch from Ghana quoted Mr. Gbor as saying.

TDI was established several years ago the grandson of one Nimba County’s powerful chief, Owen Johnson Tuazama to seek the welfare of less-prevailed Liberians.