LWSC dedicates water pump in Peace Island Community;amid jubilation from senior government officials

Josephine Davis Inspector General cutting ribbon to the newly constructed water pump[photo: CDC TV]

By Garmah Lomoh|LPR News, Monrovia

The Liberia Water and sewer corporation has put Smile on residents of Peace Island community in Congo Town through the influence of Commence Inspector General Josephine Davis.

Speaking during the dedication of the newly constructed LWSC  water, the Managing Director of the LWSC Duannah A. Kamara said, the idea of LWSC taken to peace Island through Josephine Davis was born few years ago before they got in power.

The LWSC boss told citizens that they can see root of the Pro-Poor agendas through the distribution of water adding that President Weah has distribute to all parts of Monrovia and environs.

According to LWSC managing Director, both Minister Macgill and Tweah have vow to carry water to Jallah Town through the LWSC.

Mr. Kamara said LWSC has been able to connect three hundred houses for free of charge in several communities namely Kesselle  boulevard, Neezoe, Barnerville estate among others.

He further said that 2,000 connection of water to homes are expected in all parts of Monrovia and it environs and free water distribution is also taking place in Grand Bassa County, Lofa, Nimba and Margibi counties.

Managing Director Kamara also disclosed plans of constructing a huge water tower in West point and small town behind the CDC headquarters.

The boss of LWSC blasted oppositions of not replacing water  pipe that was built since 1966 adding that President Weah has contracted more roads than any other president in our Liberia history.

For her part, Josephine Davis Inpector General  who is adding the representative post of that district, whose influence captured the LWSC to the Peace Island community, said the dedication of the project will serve as reminder that president Weah is a developmental driver.

Madam Davis added many miles stone start with one Jonny with president Weah constructing the Old road market, taking street light to Chebor community in old road.

She further said, the issue of water is serious challenge and one of the most needs which human can’t live without something that has been over looked by past government.

The Inspector General of commence Ministry told of peace Island that they elected a lawmaker that has failed them and leading many youth into indiscipline and destruction.

She vowed to assist the residents of peace Island community whenever they are in need because there where she came from prior to assendancy in government.

However, Liberia has not been declared COVID 19 free but senior officials of government who should be an example in following the health protocol, were seen dancing in a large crowd and escorted by a large crowd also without observing the necessary health protocols.

The LWSC dedication was used to pre campaign against opposition Lawmaker Yekeh Kolubah and it is glaring that Madam Davis is eyeing the representative position of that district.

Commerce Minister

For his part, Commence Minister professor Wilson Tarpeh called on residents of peace Island community that they shouldn’t opposition Lawmaker unnecessary noise because they were the one who wasted or dirty the water with dirt they should give them chance to clean it and more besides their government is not rush rush government.

Meanwhile, residents of Peace Island community lauded madam Davis and the LWSC for bringing their nightmare man to an end and it will be used for three months free of charge.

The residents also called on them to do more in providing their needs because they was forgotten by past government.

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