House Summons JFK Memorial Hospital over the Late Rep. Sloh’s Photograph, management issues disclaimer

The main Entrance of the JFK hospital in Monrovia

Plenary of the House of Representatives has summoned the administration of the John F. Kennedy (JFK) Memorial Hospital for allegedly leaking photographs of the late Representative Jay Nagbe Sloh while he was admitted at the hospital.

Rep. Sloh of Sinoe County District #2 died on Tuesday, June 30, 2020 at the JFK Memorial Medical Center following a brief illness.

Plenary’s decision was made in its 37th day sitting on Thursday, July 2 based on a motion filed by Rep. Clarence Massaquoi of (District #3, Lofa County) citing the hospital’s authorities to appear before the leadership of the House on Monday, July 6, 2020.

The motion was derived from a communication by Rep. Thomas Goshua (District #5, Grand Bassa County), craving the House’s indulgence to invite JFK’s management to explain how their fallen colleague’s photo leaked on social media.

Rep. Goshua also called on the management to explain its privacy protocols put in place at the hospital.

“I like to use this medium to bring to your attention that the photograph of our colleague while admitted at JFK Memorial Hospital is currently grossly being displayed on social media with denigrating comments from all viewers,” he wrote.

“This is happening as we speak without any regard to his family and this august body. What’s more of concern is how this picture got into the public glare when there supposed to be a privacy for patients at John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital.”

Speaking on the floor, he said the action was not only unprofessional and shameful, it has the proclivity to scare away officials from seeking treatment at the hospital.

Earlier on Thursday, the Plenary led by Speaker Bhofal Chambers held a minute silence in memory of their fallen colleague, and following session drove to the deceased’s residence to sympathize with the bereaved family.

“In our midst we have a void that is noticeable. Our colleague has departed. May God Almighty make him to walk on Mountains and that he has a restful stay in the bosom of Abraham,” remarked Speaker Chambers before leading Plenary into a minute silence.”

The late Representative Sloh was elected during the 2017 general and presidential election.

 Prior to his election, he has been a longtime journalist who previously served as the Director-General of the Liberian News Agency (LINA).

Plenary’s decision was made in its 37th day sitting on Thursday, July 2 based on a motion filed by Rep. Clarence Massaquoi of (District #3, Lofa County) citing the hospital’s authorities to appear before the leadership of the House on Monday, July 6, 2020.

The motion was derived from a communication by Rep. Thomas Goshua (District #5, Grand Bassa County), craving the House’s indulgence to invite JFK’s management to explain how their fallen colleague’s photo leaked on social media.

Rep. Goshua also called on the management to explain its privacy protocols put in place at the hospital.

Speaking on the floor, he said the action was not only unprofessional and shameful, it has the proclivity to scare away officials from seeking treatment at the hospital.

Earlier on Thursday, the Plenary led by Speaker Bhofal Chambers held a minute silence in memory of their fallen colleague, and following session drove to the deceased’s residence to sympathize with the bereaved family.

The Late Rep. Jay Nagbe sloh was a vocalist

“In our midst we have a void that is noticeable. Our colleague has departed. May God Almighty make him to walk on Mountains and that he has a restful stay in the bosom of Abraham,” remarked Speaker Chambers before leading Plenary into a minute silence.”

The late Representative Sloh was elected during the 2017 general and presidential election. Prior to his election, he has been a longtime journalist who previously served as the Director-General of the Liberian News Agency (LINA).

JFK issues disclaimer

Meanwhile The Management of JFK Medical Center (JFKMC)  on Thursday July 2, 2020 sais its attention has been drawn to the demeaning and unauthorized photographing of a patient who was admitted in the Medical Center.

According to the management, the late lawmaker was admitted in a Private Room that was accessible to relatives, friends and office staff.

“We believe the photo circulating the social media could have only been taken by relatives and friends who had access to the patient during his admission”, the management added in statement.

The Management strongly condemns this inhumane and horrible act and calls on individuals involved in the unauthorized recording, photographing and filming of patients within the premises of the Medical Center to desist.

The Medical Center takes keen interest in the protection and promotion of patients’ privacy and has since instituted a Patient Privacy Policy (PPP), which protects the privacy of every patient.


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