By Calvin Quays|LPR News, Paynesville
The Country Director of Child Steps International (CSI) has stressed that Civics Education teaching is one of the key factors to enhance stability any society and Liberia cannot be exception.
Director Otis S. Bundor stated that the teaching of Civics Education in school and community will go a long way to stabilize Liberian society from violence and protestation to address grievances confronting the citizens.
Director Bundor made the assertion recently at the end of four-day seminar held at a local hotel in Sinkor, for County Education Officers and District Education Officers from the Ministry of Education aim at re-introducing Civics Education in the school system.
According to him, the seminar organized by the Child Steps International in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and funded by the Open Society Initiative of West Africa (OSIWA) brought together 100 participants to be trained in techniques and skills of interactive method of teaching in the classroom with student’s participation.
He indicated that the teaching of Civics Education should be applied through the dailies interaction of students on campuses and among community dwellers to ensure that peace and stability are maintain in society.
Director Bundor pinpointed that the Liberia’s Constitution indicates responsible citizenship which is critical for every Liberian to know their rights and responsibilities to the nation and its people, noting that government assets will not be destroyed when they have grievances in order to get government attention.
He added that Liberians should build strong social emotion skills to help avoid doing things which have negative consequences on the socio and economic development of the country.
He narrated that development is not only the infrastructural of the nation, but development also relates to the minds of the people of any society on national issues for the transformation of the country and its people to move forward.

Director emphasized that prioritizing Civics Education teaching will help to strongly develop the minds of Liberians to love their country and seek to enhance the socio and economic development of nation, adding that five-year from now, Liberia will be peaceful and stable.
Meanwhile, the Regional Education Officer at the Ministry of Education, Musu Diixon-Badio said the re-introduction of Civics Education to enhance the understanding of Liberian student’s about their fundamental rights and responsibilities in the nation.
Madam Badio stated that it will also educate them about the governing structural of the government which are three branches namely the Legislature, Executive and Judiciary including their functionaries with the governing system of Liberia.
She noted that the technique of interactive and participation teaching of Civics Education will develop students interest in the subject matter, noting that the advocacy of children rights have been highlighted within the Liberian society with urgency.
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