Rescue Women Liberia: ‘Creating alternative voice for women leadership across Liberia’

Women in attendance at the recent training in Karplay Nimba County[photo: Edmund Gbarwee/Nimba D-9TV]

By Edmund C. Gbarwee| Contributor 

Karplay, Nimba_ As part of efforts in helping to reduce the long term killer gender indifference Rescue Women Liberia (RWL)  in collaboration with Nimba County Women Against Gender Based Violence has concluded a day long interactive policy dialogue meeting with stakeholders of Nimba in Karnplay City Nimba County County Electoral District#3.

The project is being carryout with funding from The EU/WEP WOMEN2030 project.

The meeting, which brought together over 108 participants inclusive of rural women and stakeholders were organized by women who benefited from the Women2030 training in 2020.

 During the dialogue meeting, a petition was read and presented by the women to  local authority and the Nimba County  Legislative Caucus.

The Nimba caucus is currently  headed by Sen. Prince Y. Johson and Co-Chair by Prof. Johnson Gwaikolo, Nimba County Electoral District Nine Representative.  

Petition to local authority 

The women in separate remarks also called on The Gender Ministry and other relevant  gender agencies including national and international NGOs to work with Rescue Women Liberia in funding the group  to reach out to women in most parts of rural Nimba County who are affected by Harmful Traditional Practices including traditional norms that forbid women from ascending to leadership positions.  

Receiving  petition,  the Statutory Superintendent of Nimba  for Gbelay Geh district congratulated Rescue Women Liberia, Nimba County Women Against Gender Based Violence and their sponsor for EU/WEP Women2030 project for such initiative promising  that as he a  “HE for SHE”  and  will make all efforts as well in presenting this petition to the County Superintendent  Nelson Quikor and the Caucus  

The petition stressed the importance of Gender inclusion in all major County decisions making as well as women political participations in local and national politics

For her part, the head of Rescue Women Liberia main office in Monrovia, Madame Laretta George stressed the need for more proactive actions and legislations some of which have been presented to national government for prompt action as way of reducing the long-standing issue that greatly undermines the growth and economic development of Liberia in general

Several women from across Nimba in attendance at RWL training recently in Karplay City Nimba[photo:Edmund Gbarwee/Nimba D-9 TV]

She called on local and national authorities to act promptly in pushing the agenda for women participation in leadership and all decision-making processes of Liberia.

“Women are capable and prepared to serve, but most of our harmful traditional practices are not allowing them to serve and this is hindering National Development”, she added.

As way of making sure that RWL message against gender imbalances reach across the land and breathe of their targeted communities and above with funding from  The EU/WEP WOMEN2030 Project, they are working with community based radios and online televisions like Nimba D-9 TV, Radio Nimba, Liberia Public Radio amongst others. 


RESCUE WOMEN LIBERIA  was established  in 2015  by group of women activists , social workers, environmental professionals, health  workers, grassroot women  and  female journalists  who have  witnessed  the indescribable  violent  and denial of women , the gross exclusion and denial of women in decision  making in natural resource governance, land rights and ownership, innumerable sexual and domestic gender based  violence perpetrated  against women and girls, denial of access to justice for women and girls and its associated socio- economic consequences that confronts women daily   in  Liberia. 

RWL Mission is to ensure the protection of women and girls human rights, safe environment and social justice through awareness raising, community empowerment and advocacy to increase knowledge base and policies that promotes gender equality, women rights and sustainable development in Liberia.

RWL has  heavily and  aggressively been involved with preaching, teaching and creating more awareness across Montserrado, Margibi and Nimba Counties.


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