Liberia’s first National Dialogue on Land issue scheduled for February 2022

Liberia Land crisis
Some residents on Land Issues in Liberia[photo: Friends of the Earth Europe]

The Liberia Land Authority (LLA) and MAP Liberia Land Platform, a local land right project are expected to hold a National Land Conference in 2022, the first in the postwar country.

At a news conference in Monrovia on Monday, November 1, 2021, the Communication Officer of MAP Liberia, a land right awareness project,  Haje Paasewe, told the reporters  that the National Land Conference will be the first time since reform of the land sector.

It is being organized by the Multi-Actor platform for land Governance in Liberia, which is also known as the MAP Liberia Land platform, Co-Convened by the Liberia Land Authority and the MAP Liberia Secretariat, headed by Right and Rice Foundation.

Liberia legislature signed Land Right Act of 2018 and the Liberia Land Authority has been working together with civil society organizations, government authorities, policy makers, and international partners to initiate good steps toward implementing the law.

He further noted that these steps include achievement on the development Result based implementation of the law, strategic and standardized messages for disseminating information on the Act, drafting regulations and guidelines amongst others.

Passawe further stated that they will also be analyzing and highlighting challenges faced to identify opportunities and generate recommendations and communication for the way forward.

Haje Passawe, MAP Project Communication Officer[photo: Emmanuel Jipoh]

The Conference will be held from the 1st to the 3rd of February 2022 in the Port City of Buchanan, Grand Bassa County and is expected to bring together more than 165 participants from across Liberia, under the theme “Celebrating three years of the Land Right Act.”

It will be equally organized under the auspices of the organizational arrangement, the National Organizing Committee (NOC), the Liberia Land Authority (LLA), the Ministry of Agriculture (MAO), the College of Agriculture and Forestry, the University of Liberia and Secretariat of MAP Liberia Land Platform.

He said that with the added eight thematic groups, they would guide the content of the conference.

“Donors and international Partners have already pledge financial, Material and technical resources in the tone of 60% of the proposed budget of US$160,000”, he said.

Bloh Sayeh, Liberia Land Authority vice Chair and Commissioner for Administration & Customer Service, said the LLA is prepared to hold the first Land Conference in Liberia, on the Land Right Act, a milestone legislation that was passed for the benefit of the people who are owners of land across the country.

She added that land is the economy basic of life and is very important to life.

The Land Right Act helps to protect forest while stating that issue of land in the country is very important and needs to be attended to.



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