Dredge And Illicit Mining Take Over Rivercess County; Local Authority Accused of Bribery

Illicit miner on the Cestos River in River Cess county [photo: Teewon Manakpalah/LPRNews]

By Teewon George Manakpalah|LPR News, Cestos City

Rivercess is known to be one of Liberia’s Counties with a lot of natural resources, despite the county’s geographical size and little population it is still counted as one region within the country with many resources.

The county is  blessed with a fertile soil, gold, diamond, timber among others and host some of the country’s major rivers.

Rivercess which was once a territory under Grand Bassa County gained its county status December 13, 1985 under the regime of slain President Samuel k. Doe, the county which is situated along the costal belt consists of two political districts, eight statutory districts and its capital city is known as Cesstos City.

With these many resources, Rivercess is however undebatable one of Liberia’s underdeveloped counties, despite the many natural resources that the county is shower with, many of its citizens are either living in abject poverty while most of them are hugely engage with illicit mining or depend on fishing for livelihood, while the county is yet to realize modern infrastructure development.

Despite the government banning of dredge mining within the country, Rivercess remains one the counties greatly affected by such an unlawful practice, foreigners including Ghanaians and Chinese supported by inhabitants of the county have ignored the government’s ban and illegally carrying out dredge mining along the Cesstos River, a practice according to some local residents has been demonstrated for many years.

An independent investigation conducted by Liberia Public Radio has uncovered reasons why such an unlawful practice has been carry out without any punitive action taken by national government, our investigation also revealed the roles play by local authorities and local inhabitants in support of dredge and illicit mining within Rivercess County.

Local residents tired with illegal mining activities

Locals of the county including some of town chiefs disclosed that their communities have been greatly affected by this illegal act.

Kpakweh Town chief in a frustrating tone revealed that residents of his town has complained to the local authority about the ongoing  dredge and illicit mining within their environs but to no avail.

Dredging Machine for some Ghanaian company in RiverCess county[photo: Teewon Manakpalah/LPR News]

 Bill T. Jimmy accused the County Superintendent J. BisMark Karbiah, Development Superintendent Amos G. Somah, the County Mining Agent and the county joint security of been in alliance with the Ghanaians and Chinese who are robbing the country minerals.

Bill Sumo further explained that on several occasions the County Superintendent and other local government officials have collected bribe from those involve with illicit mining in Rivercess County in order to grant them permission to carry out such an illegal act.

The Kpakweh Town Chief asserted that it is troublesome to have the county leadership shielding  with foreigners to exploit the country’s resources at the detriment of the ordinary citizens, calling on National Government to speedily intervene to rescue the situation.

Jimmy noted that if national government failed to intervene swiftly he foresee the country losing resources worth millions of dollars.

Traditional method to be used

Also remarking the Senior Paramount Chief of Rivercess Bob Kofi Zah called on the government to take immediate action against individuals engage with illicit mining within Rivercess County.

Chief Kofi Zah who is also the spokesperson of the Traditional Council of Liberia threatened to take traditional action in order to put an end to illicit mining within the county if government failed to find a possible remedy to the situation.

He outburst that citizens of Rivercess can no longer continue to sit and watch foreigners sweep away their resources why those that were given the authority to act in such direction are doing nothing about such situation.

At the same time a man believed to be the head of the Ghanaian illicit miners only identified as David confirmed that their operation of dredge-mining over the Cesstos River is by the approval of the county authority.

David alleged that they paid regular due to the County Superintendent, the County Mining agent and others as a means of enabling them to carry out their illicit mining.

David further told our national Correspondent   that he wonders why the county authority will claim not to know about their operation when they pay over $100,000LD monthly as regular due to maintain their operation.

For his part the head of a Chinese company name ‘’Jorin’’ that could not be identify by the Ministry of Lands Mines and Energy also accused the Superintendent and some officials of the Ministry of Lands and Mines of granting them permit to operate in the county.

The Chinese National who was identified as Alvin Hongon alleged that he was granted class ‘’B’’ mining license from the Ministry of Lands Mines and Energy to operate as a legal mining company in Liberia.

Alvin also confirmed that his company has been given few mining claims, which they are presently carrying on their operation of dredge mining.

However, Rivercess County Superintendent, refuted claims that he had been collecting money from illicit miners within the county to keep them mining.

Superintendent J. BisMark Karbiah disclosed that he had served a letter to the Chinese company warning them to stop dredge mining within the county, but they refuse to adhere to his warning.

County officials deny claims

Superintendent Karbiah said since his insurance of a warning letter to the Chinese illicit miners, he had no idea about whether they were still carrying out dredge mining.

J. BisMark Karbiah at the same time challenged those accusing him of collecting bribes from illicit miners to provide evidence relating him to such accusation.

Meanwhile, despite Superintendent Karbiah denial of been in the know of the present dredge operation within Rivercess County, a letter dated August 13, 2020 bearing the development superintendent signature instructed the Kpakweh Town chief Bill Sumo to work along with Morris Kekeh Rivercess Project Planner Ministry of Internal Affairs, and Phillip D. Toby Assistant Superintendent for Development Rivercess County so as to enable them get the names of dredge owners on their log, to know the number of dredge at a specific area, and to get the names of the mining chiefs.

Also making an assertion, Assistant Minister for Mines at the Ministry of Lands Mines and Energy, revealed that the government is working out all modalities to curb the rapid spread of dredge mining across the country.

Emmanuel T. T. Swen revealed that despite the government quest to put a total end to dredge mining over all of its waters, the government remains seriously challenge in combating this fight that is causing the country to lost millions of dollars annually.

Minister Swen disclosed that many of those serving as mining agent for the government are working base on volunteerism as the result they are compel to collect bribe for survivability.

It can be recalled in October of 2019 the government of Liberia through the Ministry of Lands Mines and Energy banned all dredges being used in Liberian waters by both Liberians and foreign nationals.

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