Rev. Giddings  terms death threats against the late Odell Sherman’s Mother, as “fraud”

The Mother of the late Odell Sherman a former 12th grade Student of the Harriet Bailey United Methodist School in Duazon, Margibi County, who mysteriously  died on June 21, 2019, is excusing  Rev. Emmanuel Jutonue Giddings, the clergyman who the late Odell Sherman body was found lying unconscious in his Compound of threatening to killed  her, three years after the sad Incident.
Madam Cynthia  Sherman who is currently in a hideout, claims she has been receiving  calls, from Rev. Emmanuel J. Giddings threatening to kill her, due to her content  approach and torment of advocacy for fair redress Justice of her daughter Student Odell Sherman, who she believe got grusomely murder and gang rape by Rev. Giddings, without receiving the fair judgement.
She said Rev. Giddings had been sending some unknown men to her residence on the oldroad, where she has live, and had been treading her from one location to another, without free movement, and the fear of Life has force her out of Liberia to an unknown destination, seeking  restorative justice over the death of her daughter.
Howbeit, back in 2019, the year of which Odell Sherman died, Police Investigation through the Ministry of Justice, with the conduct of an autopsy claim that the late 21-year-old student died natural death.
The Police report that year, after  the conduct of an autopsy on the remains of the late Odell Sherman claimed that the student, died from “Blunt Force Trauma of the Head,” consequence of descent from height” a result Madam Sherman and family of the decease term as a trash, something  that mounted to series of protests in the country, by some Students groupings, independent human rights organisations, but suddenly cool down as years passes by.
Rev. Emmanuel Jutonue Giddings, the clergyman who was invited for questioning relating to the student death, because she was last seen lying unconscious in his Compound and later taken to the ELWA hospital where she was pronounced dead, has since than, been set freed, after the investigation surrounding the death of the student was concluded.
However, Cynthia Sherman the mother of the deceased, and some members of the Sherman’s  seem to be unpleased with the Autopsy report, and they way in which the investigation was conducted terming it has fraud.
Madam Sherman, have contently led a number of advocacy, calling  for fair Justice in her daughter death, until another mysteriously incident happen in the country, recently when the deadbody of a girl identify as Princess Cooper, was found at the back of a building store, owns by some Lebonese nationalists, an incident that prompted more call for justice, in circumstances leading to Princess Cooper death, and mysteriously killing in and around the country.
A Campaign which Madam  Cynthia Sherman took to the letters to lead the advocacy for fair Justice for Princess, and what is also put as reawakening spirit, for justice for the falling Odell Sherman. 
Now, According to Madam Cynthia Sherman, the tragic death of Princess Cooper, which led to a vigorous campaign and renewed cries for fair justice and reawakening the spirit of Student Odell Sherman, has led to her living in fears, by receiving death threats from Rev. Emmanuel Jutonue Giddings, something she force her out of the country, abandoning her home and children.
In a social media post qouted as saying by Cynthia Sherman,” Emmanuel Giddings, and his men tried to silent me by killing me, but my God safed  me again,”Emmanuel Giddings forced me out of my own Country, leaving everything behind,my family, Church, business, school, friends,and loved ones, just watch what is coming for you, am no longer in ur country were u can killed anyone, and nothing comes out of it… just watch and see what comes next, just sit in Liberia and be talking lies…lies…lies, Sherman social media post read.
She narrated; “Emmanuel  Giddings  want kill me, he want to kill me, he has sent unknown men numbers  of time to my residence on the oldroad, I was alert about his evil doing, since than I have never been at peace, Sherman intoned.
In relations to the late Odell Sherman saga, back in 2019, the Government of Liberia, through the Ministry of Justice said it “conducted a thorough and comprehensive investigation through the Liberian National Police (LNP) forensic team and Independent Pathology
Autopsy which stateď that Odell Sherman died a natural  death by being tipsy and felling.” But Cynthia Sherman the mother of the late Student believes there’s a strong possibility her daughter Odell’s death was a homicide.
Speaking to Liberia Public Radio, Cynthia Sherman said up to date, she didn’t received fair Justice from the Liberian Government, something she terms as fraud,” my daughter was grusomely murder and gang rape by the monster Giddings, who is now hunting me, sending people to kill me, “so I had to flew out of the country, before I be murder too, like my daughter, She averred.
She continued; how can I call the Police, telling them, what? “this same very evil people, who sat there and my daughter was grusomely murder and gang rape by Giddings, “you want me be killed. 
Sherman, alleged “there were numerous inconsistencies in a series of statements. The disposal of evidence, the relationships between Killer Rev. Emmanuel J. Giddings, the grusome murderer  of her daughter, who is the Cousin to the Vice President  Jewel Howard- Taylor, the Police, whom is a fraud and all the parties involves, were iniquitous,” Sherman said.
In response to the allegation, he is after her Life, Rev. Emmanuel Jutonue Giddings, Chief Executive officer of sale generic levitra 24h and CEO Chief Executive Officer of the Liberia-Ghana Missions (LGM), has categorically denied all allegations of death threats toward the life of Madam Cynthia Sherman,  terming it as fraud to damage his good character over the years.
Rev. Giddings said all informations level against him are all false and misleading and only intended to damage his high earned reputations that he has build over years upon years, He describes the acquisitions against he as a planned plot that he believed is being politically motivated by some  politicians. He also believed that his recent pronouncement that he will contest the upcoming 2023 Senatorial Elections in Margibi County may be another factor that Politicians of Margibi County is using to push Mrs. Sherman to lied on him.
Rev. Giddings clarify, that he had no time, come in contact with Madam Sherman, and have never seen her in person, how will he try to harm a person, he don’t even know, but have only seen a photograph of her, since the unfortunate incident happen, nearly four years ago.
“I Have never come in Contact, with this lady, all my Life, how will harm a person, I don’t know, beside, I am God fearing man,” and busy thinking about humanity,”how will I go after a person, I don’t know he stated.
Rev. Emmanuel  Giddings  in terms describes Odell  Sherman death a tragedy, an accident – concluding she fell from a second floor of his building  and was still alive, when he came in contact with her and took her to the hospital where, she was pronounced dead.
“I did not  even know, “Odell Sherman, it was my first time seen her, when I received a call, that a student is lying unconscious, that how I took her to the hospital, there she was pronounced dead. The United  Methodist  Church clergyman, Rev. Giddings  also denied any involvement in the late Odell Sherman death, and said he was never arrested, but was called for questioning by the Police but Autopsy report, copy of which in the Sherman’s Family possession prove Odell Sherman died a natural death.
Rev. Giddings used the occasion to express deeply sorrows and regret the death of the late Student  Odell Sherman, but distinguished himself from claims and allegation, relating to Odell Sherman death, noting that he takes no responsibilities of the untimely death of Student.