Aspirant- Siafa Kollie Dedicates Hand Pump in District 5


Montserrado County electoral District #5 Representative aspirant Nelson Siafa Kollie has dedicated a refurbished hand pump, in the Ruth Perry Police Academy, Block B, Community, in P

Paynesville, within Electoral District Number 5.

He has similarly constructed and dedicated hand pumps within the Bassa Town, Joe bar, Kpelle Town, and Gobachop Communities, as well carrying out others developmental initiatives, including the rehabilitation of roads, recreational centers, among others.

The brand new hand pump was dedicated for use by the people of Ruth Perry, Police Academy, Block B” community through the Friends of Nelson Siafa Kollie Humanitarian aid on Saturday, March 25, 2023.

Making remarks during the official unveiling ceremony, Aspirant Kollie informed dwellers of the area that he chose to construct the hand pump due to the age old challenges faced by the inhabitants in accessing water.

He said the reconstruction of the hand pump is not because he’s seeking the Representative seat, but is beneficial for the people, whom he said has been facing lack of access to save drinking water, while admitting as a teenager going through similar difficulties while growing up in the vicinity, Kollie informed the dwellers that it is about time to put an end to the issue of accessing water.

“This facility is for the community, and not because I’m seeking Representative Seat, ” You like you vote for me, You like don’t vote me, ” I feel your pain, this why saw it as a need to reconstruct this hand pump, so you can have access to save water. Please see it as your own. Even if you hate me due to political differences, please make good use of the water,” he stated. The Representative aspirant then promised to do his utmost best in developing the district, while recommitting himself to developmental initiatives.

Aspirant Kollie, at the same time, used the opportunity to frowned against Voters trucking, while admonishing them to reject fake Politicians, “don’t sell your vote and complain for six (6) unbroken years, refuse those fake political actors, who will come to buy your votes, they are not going to do anything you, “in fact they are paying you to elect them, and after you’re going to suffer, he said, adding you got to be smart and play your cards well, there are many fake politicians around, so please reject them and stay in your district and register to vote for a candidate of your choice.

For their part, the Ruth Perry Community, resolved to supporting Aspirant Nelson Siafa Kollie for a Representative bid of the district, while describing he as Talk and Do’, who they said are going bring change to the District.

Albert S. B. Flomo, acting Youth Chair, lauded Mr. Kollie for the initiative and stated that they are indebted to him as far as the 2023 election is concerned for the numerous developmental efforts he has carried out. Tarka stressed that the project was welcoming given that other lawmakers could not do this for them over the years.

Also speaking on behalf of the Community, Chairman Roosevelt Tarka, added to the many voices that commended the Representative aspirant and admonished his dwellers to make maximum use of the hand pump. Meanwhile, elder David cautioned the inhabitants to make maximum use of the hand pump.