EPA Debunks Daylight’s Reports about concealing findings on Bea Mountain pollution

A resident of Cape Mount one of the polluted villages speaks to Daily Observer [photo: Liberian Observer ]

The Environmental Protection Agency of Liberia (EPA) has dismissed a report by The Daylight ,an online publication that the EPA shelved the outcome of an investigative report it conducted at Bea Mountain Mining Corporation (BMMC), as a diabolical lie and disinformation.

The DayLight in an April 19, 2023 report under the caption “Bea Mountain Polluted River in Cape Mount Again,” alleged that EPA concealed findings of a chemical leak in Grand Cape Mount County.

However, EPA vehemently debunks the report as a “bald-faced lie” and  “bad journalism” intended to injure the reputation of the Agency.

The report also seeks to mislead the public about EPA’s openness to inform the public at all times about its workings.

The EPA clarifies that its Investigative reports are posted on its website at www.epa.gov.lr contrary to The DayLight’s willful publication.

EPA added that it is  stunned that an online publication that proud itself as a credible outlet will depart from truth-telling as a core standard of journalism to telling lies to satisfy its funders’ criteria. 

The Agency encourages media houses and individuals seeking information on the workings of the EPA to check its website and or contact its Media and Corporate Communications office for information about the Agency.

water Pollution in Cape Mount
Pollution in Grand Cape Mount County that led to the death of several marine creatures near the Bea Mountain Mining Company[Photo; Front Page Africa]

Meanwhile the Daylight online publication said the EPA claim is untrue as it did all due diligent to the story before publication.

The Daylight Managing Editor James Giahyue in an email to reporters Wednesday added that it contacted the EPA communications team through the head of corpoerate communications Dennise Dennis Dodoo four days before the article in question was published.

Mr. Giahyue narrated that there was no report on EPA website on its finding on  Bea Mountain Mining Corporation (BMMC)  recent act of pollution in a creek in Grand Cape Mount County for the purpose of transparency.

He argues that  public access to information is a right under the Environmental Protection and Management Act, and the Daylight as a media organization will demand that right at all time.