Veteran Ahblawoe Donates Rice and Several Items to Three Institutions in Liberia

some items donated by Ahblawoe based in USA[photo: Olando Testimony Zeongar]

Three care facilities, including the Christian Association of the Blind (CAB), the Antoinette Tubman Cheshire Home, and the JoJo Hope House of Substance Freedom, a rehabilitation facility for underprivileged youth, have received 75 bags of 25 kg bags of rice and other various items from the Liberian-owned old-timers club Veteran Ahblawoe Sports Association, based in Minnesota, USA.

The old-timers association’s president, Abu Massally, also known as Puchie Van Duchie, led a visiting group that made the donations on Monday, March 18, 2025.

Among the items donated are 40 pieces of sanitary pads, six boxes of laundry soap, six bags of tissues, six boxes of milk, six bags of sugar, and 25 kg bags of rice.

Each package contains four gallons of vegetable cooking oil.

Veteran Ahblawoe’s President Massally, accompanied by a number of officials and members, including three former group presidents, Jeff Doe, George Harris, and Ivan Brown; Secretary General Edwin Y. Weedor; Buster Mondeth, chairperson of the donation committee; Madam Rachel Agnes Nebo; Peter Zekiel; and Olando Jones; explained that the donations were his organization’s way of helping their fellow Liberians in need.

Massally said, “This is how we give back to our people; to support our government and to assist our people in need.”
He stated that “when you see destitution, it motivates you to do more” and that he and other Veterans of Ahblawoe members are driven to eradicate poverty from Liberian society.
“Seeing your people struggling to survive and eat, and seeing everyone relying on the government, inspires me to want to help my people,” he continued.
He insisted that the reason he and the other members of the Veteran Ahblawoe organization, which is based in Minnesota, get out of bed each morning is to help the Liberians who are in need back home.