Liberia: The Resurfacing of “Rebel Generals” Threaten Rebuilding and Healing Process


In the last few days, a quite troubling event has been the bold attempt of the “ugly buried past” of Liberia to remind us all of painful memories.

This refers to the unwarranted insertion of some of the vilest actors in the Liberian civil war in the current political theater and which must be addressed in a full.

Back-to-back wars visited on Liberia in the 1990s by factional militias and their so-called “generals” remain the darkest period of our modern history; and to have these “generals” surface again in our rebuilding and healing processes is despicable. What is more discouraging is the guise under which they have surfaced; to support “democratic gains and the peace”, according to them.

Nowhere and at no time in the past did these “generals” demonstrate any sense of probity or respect for human life or rights of people when they took onto themselves to be accusers, judges, jurors and executioners of our people.

Firstly, these “generals” were never recognized, appointed or merited their titles through any modern training – civilian or military standard. They and their murderous masters imposed themselves on defenseless civilians because of their twisted and perverted desire for state power, as was evident from the total disregard for decency, respect for the rule of law and humanitarian considerations when they raped, looted, killed and dislocated people.

We lost an estimated 250,000 precious lives of our brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, friends, relatives and neighbors at the hands of these “generals”. This was a modern-day local genocide. Have we not learned anything from the civilized world since the end of hostilities?

And had it not been for the tough efforts, resolve and resources of some Liberians and our international friends, these “generals” would have removed our people and Liberia off the face of the map! Call them out for who they are; THEY ARE KILLERS, RAPISTS AND PLUNDERERS!

The generals, in no way, represent the new, vibrant, resilient and hopeful Liberia and its people.

These “generals” are representations of the shame we, as civilized Liberians, live with and are trying to outlive by our effort at reconciliation, reparation and justice.

For the current Weah Administration to accept the open threats of violence against dissenting voices in our civilized society from these “murderers” is a new low and national retrogression. For the Weah Administration or anyone to continue to give recognition and comfort to these “generals” is misguided and highly disrespectful to survivors and family of victims.

Liberians have been repeatedly reminded about adherence to the rule of law and justice as means of maintaining national unity and peaceful co-existence.

Today, African Star joins all civilized and morally upright individuals and institutions in condemning the “generals” for their threats and calls on the Weah Administration to immediately dissociate itself from any statements of support offered by the “generals”.


President Weah must condemn their theatrics of interfering in our peace and civility and insist that the “generals”, apologize to the families of victims and survivors. Government must then honestly work to implement the best vehicle of justice for our dark past – The Final Report of Liberia’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC).

In pursuance of the role of contributing to strengthening our society and defending democratic ideals and good governance, the Editorial Board of African Star has decided to adopt an editorial stance of not giving its platform to the “generals”, any individuals and institutions who threaten and abuse our people and Liberia because it is the right and moral thing to do.

This has been a special presentation of featuring a guest Editorial by our partners at African Star