Dillon: CDCians are hearers, not listeners 

Montserrado Senatorial hopeful Abraham Darius Dillon

By: Daniel Garteh

Montserrado County senatorial candidate  Abraham Darius Dillon   has described CDCians as people who can only ‘hear’ but can’t ‘listen’. 

Making the assertion on a local Radio station, the OK conversation on OK FM Tuesday afternoon,  Dillon said, Partisans of the Collation for Democratic Change are only good and hearing but not good at listening evidenced by the way they react to national issue. 

His assertion was made when he was cataloguing while he decided to contest for the vacant seat created by the death of Madam Geraldine Doe Sheriff. 

Dillon who is the vice chair for legal affairs for the opposition Liberty Party maintained that he is going to the house of elders to light up the place. 

He claimed that if there are about 16 members of the house of Senate with integrity who can speak with boldness to wrong, some differences could have been seen in Liberia. 

The Montserrado County senatorial candidate revealed that members of the legislature have to hold the Presidency to its feet in order to move the country forward instead of being praise singers to the president.  He is meanwhile calling on his supporters to stand up and vote against the CDC candidates to prove to President George Weah and others that all is not well in the country. 

“My election will speak volume to President Weah that the country is going backward, that the country economic is craving, that changing rate is sky rocketing”, Dillon added.