Country devil holds community dwellers hostage for missing 6 years boy

Mask Dancers are popular in Liberia

Reports from Liberia’s southeastern county of Sinoe say residents of Government Camp Community  were held hostage by country devil over the weekend after the disappearance of a 6-year-old boy only identified as Anointed.


Six-year-old Anointed reportedly went missing  on Thursday, August 1, upon his return from the market.

According to report, parents of little Anointed began to search the Government Camp Community during the late evening hours after they observed that he had not returned home.

Liberia Public Radio source in Sinoe also narrated that residents of Government Camp in Jadea district have embarked on a rigorous search for the missing child, but to no avail.

A citizen of the area Morris Wleh-Tee told OK Fm that  as a result of the situation, residents of Government Camp were held in doors by country backed by traditional leaders for three days, but were later rescued following police intervention.

Mask dancers or country devils are sometime used by communities in rural Liberia to enforce justice especially in southeastern part of the country where the population is traditionally entrenched. 

Meanwhile, Sinoe County Police Superintendent Douwuo Goldoe has said the police are continuing search for the missing child.

Authorities of the Liberia National Police in Monrovia are yet to comment on the incident.

Investigation continues.