Liberia: President Weah declares a state of emergency for 3 weeks; but critics say not timely

President George Weah

Liberian President George Weah has declared a state of emergency throughout Liberia beginning Friday, April 10 at 11:59 pm.

The Liberian leader added that the shocking scenarios that are beginning to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic should serve for everyone to “spring into action.”

He stated: “My fellow Liberians, although our health team is working assiduously to complete the testing of scores of contacts, let us recognize that the COVID-19 virus has now entered a new phase in our country as we move from protection to containment

 The dynamics of our management of the disease have been significantly changed there will be required additional strong measures to delay the spreading of this highly infectious virus and keep our public safety,” President Weah said in a nationwide address on Wednesday April 8, 2020.

The President bewailed that the global pandemic is killing thousands of people around the world and there is no vaccine or cure.

Articles 85, 86, 87 and 88 of the Liberian Constitution empower the president to declare state of emergency for a period of time.

Amb. Weah stated that the  global spread of the virus represents the greatest threat to the people and well-being of the People of Liberia since the Ebola epidemic suffered the country from 2014 to 2016.

He also noted that confirmed cases are on the rise.

President Weah: “Therefore, by the authority granted to me under Articles 85, 86, 87 and 88 of the Liberian Constitution and after due consultation with the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President Pro-Tempore of the Liberian Senate as required by law, I, George Manneh Weah, President of the Republic of Liberia, hereby, declare a State of Emergency to exist in and throughout the Republic of Liberia for a period of three weeks renewable until the threat to Liberia from the COVID-19 Virus no longer exists.”

The Liberian legislature is expected to adopt a joint resolution whether or not to approve the president declaration before taking full effect.

If approved, under the State of Emergency all 15 counties are quarantined from 11;59pm, Friday, April 10 until further notice.

Movement between counties is strictly prohibited; no person shall be permitted to enter or leave the borders of any county to another county except for Montserradi County and Margibi County which are quarantined as a single unit.

Also, all residents within the borders of Montserrado County, Margibi County, Nimba County, and Grand Kru are to stay at home throughout the time of the quarantine.

“Throughout this period, residents may leave home only for essential journeys like reasons of health and food which should be restricted to your local communities only and be limited to a single person per household for a maximum of one hour,” the president warned.

Liberia as of April 8 has 31 confirmed cases, according to the National Public Health Institute.

State of emergency condemned

Meanwhile Montserrado County District#10 Representative Yekeh Kolubah has condemned the state of emergency declared by President George Weah.

Mont. Dist.#10 Rep. Yekeh Kolubah [Front Page Africa]

He said the declaration by the president is not “un-timely” because many Liberians earn their living from day-to-day activities.

“In my mind before you declare state of emergency the people be able to have food to their various homes”, he adds.

Rep. Kolubah told Liberia public radio minutes after president nationwide address that many homes are currently without basic necessities and enforcing state of emergency at this time will be chaotic.

Representative Yekeh Kolubah expressed fear that implementing a state of emergency at this time is not feasible because security forces loyal to the president might misuse their power.

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