Liberia records 8 new COVID-19 confirmed cases, Montserrado remains epicenter

The latest statistics from NPHIL

Liberia recorded an additional 8 new confirmed cases of coronavirus in Montserrado County on Saturday, May 3 and bringing the total confirmed cases to 166.

According to statistics from the National Public Health Institute of Liberia (NPHIL), of the total number of confirmed cases, three were imported into the country while 155 were locally transmitted.

So far  58 people have recovered  from the virus, while the death toll is now  stands at18.

Health workers present 20.3 per cent of the total number of confirmed cases throughout the country.

According to the authorities in the country a  total of 789 contacts are under active daily follow while 142 high risk contacts are  under observation in precautionary observation centers in four counties.

NPHIL says  the risk of transmission remains very high largely due to high population movements in Montserrado as the county is home to over 1.5 million people approximately  (1/3) of the country total population while local transmission mainly from contacts of confirmed cases has accounted for about 98% of the cases.

A total of 64 case patients are being managed at seven treatment centers with 92% being managed in Montserrado county; with six case patients being oxygenated (severe cases).

As part of challenges, NPHIL named limited space at the treatment center for isolation and management of confirmed cases;  admitting confirmed cases in the treatment center without case investigation; unavailability of POCs to relocate High risk contacts (110) which increase community transmission in the affected counties  and the limited funding t o meet response needs across the country.

In a related development, a herbs for curing COVID-19 which was manufactured in the African state of Madagascar has arrived in Liberia for trial.

Deputy presidential spokesman Smith Toby told journalists Monday that the product was donated by the government of Madagascar and can both cure and prevent the virus in humans.