Criminal Court “C” issues Writ of arrest on NPA boss and Others, Weah’s officials disobedient to court order?

National Port Authority Boss Bill Twehway

By Garmah Lomoh|Judiciary contributor

Since the CDC government took power in 2018, many of his officials have been disobeying court whenever they are brought to court.

 Some judges and citizens have been this disobedience spirit from several of the government officials who are in the constant habit of not respecting the court order in the land.

This brought about the question why president Weah’s officials always disobey court order or the rule of law? It can be recalled during the former Defense Minister Brownie Samukai case, the Minister of state, Minister of Justice, Finance Minister were Subpoenaed by Criminal Court ‘C’ to produce an original copy of a documents from their respective Ministry, they all disobey the court.

 Where contempt of court was issued on Finance Minister followed by a Writ of arrest before they can appeared.

Like the case of NPA managing Director Bill Twehway who has disobey the again.

 Criminal Court ‘C’ at the Temple of Justice Judge Yarmie Quiqui Gbeisay has issued a writ of arrest on the managing director of the National Port Authority boss Bill Twehway, his deputies, managers including their legal counsel after issuing a contempt of court on them but failed to appear According to a writ of arrest issued by Criminal Court ‘C’.

Defendant Bill Twehway, defendant named herein above have refused and failed deliberately to obey citations, writ of summons and court orders served them, relative to a container, subject of a litigation before this court, thereby subjecting the court to a public ridicule and impeding its tribunal function.

The  writ of arrest for contempt of court, for stated that the NPA managing Director and deputies be  arrested and brought before court to show tangible cause why they cannot be held in Criminal contempt for grossly disobeying the court orders.

The court order was triggered by previous writ of arrest from criminal court “A” on Friday  concerning a stolen container involving NPA and Montserrado Group of Industries which was reported by Liberia Public Radio.