Nimba: Duo Boe Residents calling for aid to complete clinic project

Duo Boe clinic building under construction [photo: Daniel Garteh/LPR]

Sanniquillie, Nimba_Residents of Duo Boe Town in Yarpea Mah Administrative District in Nimba County are seeking for assistance to help complete the construction of their clinic project, which has come to a standstill due to financial difficulties. 

Duo Boe Town is located in  Electoral District # 2 in Nimba County and most of its  economic activity are done in Karnplay in District #3. 

Speaking to reporters Monday June 22, 2020 in Duo Boe Town, the town chief Anderson Biah said, the construction of the clinic which started in 2017 as a community self-help initiative came  to a standstill due to lack of funding and external help. 

According to chief Biah, the eleven bed room clinic when completed, will serve as a major health relief for the town including several others surrounding towns. 

He asserted that since the intervention of District number#1 representative Jeremiah Kung in 2017 with 200 bags of cement, 50 pieces of steel rodgs and some cash, no other person has been able to come to their aid. 

Town chief Biah explained that they usually could find it difficult in transporting patients especially women in labor to the hospital or nearby clinic. 

“We have a clinic in Duo Tiayee, but it is about 5 to 6 hours walk and we have to cross river before reaching there, and when we carry people to Karnplay, the only thing that can transport people is motorcycle and we can’t transport pregnant women on motorcycle” asserted town chief Biah.

He mentioned that there are about 10 to 11 other bigger towns that stand to benefit from the clinic when it is completed and become functional. 

Chief Biah put the estimated population of the town at a little over 500 inhabitants. 

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