Motorcyclists to Intensify COVID-19 Awareness

Deputy Internal Affairs Minister for Research and Development Planning, Minister Olayee Collins @Dennise Nipsom

By M. Dennise  Nimpson|Contributing writer

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Office of the Peace Ambassador in Collaboration with the Federation of Motorcyclists and Tricycles Union of Liberia (FROMTUL) has began COVID-19 awareness in ten zones across Montserrado County.

Deputy Internal Affairs Minister for Research and Development Planning, Minister Olayee Collins says motorcyclist involvement in the fight against coronavirus is cardinal.

Minister Collins said the cyclists should take important the health protocols in order to keep the society and their families safe from COVD-19.

According to him, the cyclists play pivotal role because they interact with hundreds of Liberians daily.

The Deputy Internal Affairs Minister stressed that members of FROMTUL should not overlook their role in society.

He added  President George Weah is an ‘admirer’of the union and recognized their service to country.

At the same time, Minister Olayee disclosed that the President had made available one million masks for distribution throughout the country.

He said the aimed is to ensure that every citizen have mask in order to contain the spread of coronavirus.

FROMTUL President John Kenyor [photo:Dennise Nimpson]

For his part, FROMTUL President John Kenyor called on Motorcyclist to be agents of change.

He urged the cyclists not to be used by politicians to perpetrate violence that would undermine the country’s hard earned peace, especially during the fight against COVID-19.

Motorcyclists he said are business people and should help promote development for the common good of the nation.

The Federation of Motorcyclists and Tricycles Union of Liberia President, John Kenyor claimed gone at the days motorcyclists will be used to cause violence.

He noted as part of their efforts to change the dynamics, they have constructed a bridge between the Zayzay and Red-light Communities in Paynesville currently being use by the residents

The FROMTUL President admonished members to also observe the preventive measures instituted by health authorities and ensure those they carry wear nose mask.

John Kenyor however, thanked the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the initiative to have motorcyclists involve and called on the Ministry to extend the awareness outside of Montserrado.