Liberia to benefit modern training center

Eric Buller and his wife Pam Buller

Two American Missionaries working in Liberia have disclosed plans to build a modern state of the art training center in Jawajeh town, Clay District,Bomi County with the aim of providing pastoral and agricultural training for Liberian Pastors.

The center will be constructed on portion of a 54-arces of farmland that was acquired by the Christian Revival Church Association (CRCA) to do various kind of development initiative in support of government’s development agenda.

The Head of the Missionary team in Bomi County, Eric Buller said the true essence of the upcoming training center in Jawajeh town is to bland the preaching of the gospel with agricultural skill in order for those passing through the center exhibit some level of independence while administering their respective churches.

Missionary Buller said in this contemporary time, it is important for those preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ not to only rely on the congregation but to diversify their activities through sustainable agriculture development.

Though, he did not give a tentative date for the commencement of the construction of the training Center, Missionary Buller out rightly said that the project will kick off during this coming dry season paving the way for the starting of the training session.

Missionary Buller said the training will specifically focus in Western Liberia including Bomi, Grand Cape Mount and Gbarpolu Counties.

His wife Pam Buller, also a Missionary, said considering the disadvantage nature of women in society, she will focus on building the capacity of females to meet their full potential of contributing to the improvement of their livelihood.

Mrs Buller said she started such capacity building of women years back, but the construction of training center will give her the courage and strengthen to help transform more women by making them independent.

She insisted that though the Center will be gender sensitive, women empowerment through the gospel and skill trainings is the core of her missionary work in Liberia.

Mrs.Buller said she wants to see more women independent and great contributors to their respective homes.

The two Missionaries are working along with the Christian Revival Church Association to impact the lives of people through the gospel, skill training and infrastructure development.

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