Pastors prosecuted for preaching Against Traditional practices in Grand Kru County

Flashback: Pastor in rural Liberia

By Garmah Lomoh|Contributor

Just as the Bible says in Matthew 5:11 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.

Verse 12, Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before.

As the Bible verse mentioned above is what exactly three pastors of the Satiken Join Christian Fellowship Church went through by been severely flogged in the area by youth and elderly people of Parluken, Forpoh Statutory District in Grand Kru for preaching salvation massages to citizens in the area to obey God’s word and desist from harmful traditional practices.

 The Liberian National Police in the area said, on August 31,2020, they received complaint from pastors Raymond Dweh, Joshua Kieh Koyan and others who were severely beaten and held under hostage by the community youths for about  four hours on ground that the church in the area was  allegedly preaching against their traditional practices and the three man of God have deliberately refused to obey their cultural regulations.

The Clegry men Raymond Dweh and Joshua Kieh Koiyan told police during preliminary investigations that they were assaulted, their Bibles forcefully taken away from then by the youths and traditional leaders and were later made to paid LRD$1,000.00.

Report also had it that church members who came to their rescue, the town people also collected LRD$25,000.00 and LRD$50,000.00 respectively

The two Minister’s of God disclosed that the mob violence led to the massive destruction of their church properties and other personal belongings.

Police authorities told journalists that even though the two man of God were assulted, they are alive, but their medical condition is said to be very critical as the result of beaten they received.

The county detechment of the Liberia National Police has investigated and charged seven persons with crimes ranging from fenoious restrain, Criminal compraicy, terrorist threat, aggravated assault, arrossment among other criminal charges and are pending Court prosecution.

It can be recalled on July 11, 2019, a 72 years old woman known as Susannah Quite and son Victor Wallace were tortured in all forms and manners in Patty Garraway eletoral District # 1 in Grand Kru County by youths and Elders of area over witchcraft allegation.

In April of this year, three females and a male were accused and taken to River Jolog in Pinicess, Gbeta Administrative District for being the cause of young death in the area.

A situation which resulted to the death of one of the ladies and secretly buried youths of the area while, the rest sustained major injuries at the time.

Again, the three Pastors have been another victims of the youths and Elders for preaching the gospel and also preaching against their harmful traditional practices.

Meanwhile, Grand Kru District #2 Representative Jonathan Fonati koffa frowned at the recent action by the young people of Parluken and vowed that justice will be serve the three pastors.

This story was contributed to by Grand Kru TV