VP Taylor: “No More Excuses, Apologies, Delayed Promises”

Liberian Vice President Jewel Taylor

Vice President Jewel Howard-Taylor has called on the Liberian senate to reform the county’s governing system, before it becomes overburdened and a failure.

For VP Howard-Taylor, several internal and external factors beget imperatives to ensure the necessary changes in the country’s governing structures and systems. Therefore, in the absence of modern reform, the country’s governing system will “become overburdened” and, as such, it will fail to benefit every citizen, she argued.

Delivering her opening remarks at the opening of the fourth session of the Senate on Monday, January 11, VP Taylor noted: “This pandemic has focused the spotlight on the need for our government to invest more in the healthcare and educational systems.

There is no better time to do this than now; before our systems become overburdened. The decisions for how our nation addresses this menace lie in your hands,” VP Taylor further argued.

“Remember that we have taken an oath to protect and defend our people at all cost, may we now move beyond the normal national conversations, and with deliberate and intentional actions provide the financial support and oversight needed to improve the infrastructure and systems for the benefit of all.

 I therefore implore Members of this Senate to make this one of your immediate deliverables.”

In her push for change, VP Taylor reminded her legislative colleagues that it is their responsibility as leaders to reform the system so that it benefits the people.

VP Howard-Taylor further warned senators that the Liberian people are watch and failure to do the right time,

According to her, the Liberian people are watching them and failure to work in their interest based on the premise of “TRUE LOVE FOR COUNTRY, NOT JUST IN WORDS, BUT IN DEEDS” will lead to a bad legacy for many their generations to come.

As part of the reform, VP Howard Taylor suggested that the Senate takes keen interest in delay in local vendor payments due, and delayed salary payments in some institutions, and the need for a more aggressive approach to the provision of basic services.

Others includes the need to expand the national tax base by creating new taxes (in the tourism and agricultural sectors) which will reduce the current tax burden on our people; and the need to ensure a realistic budget for the National Pro-Poor Agenda, to include the provision of operational funding to government entities.

VP Howard Taylor added that there is a need that the Senate provide oversight on the Judiciary to ensure that Justice is served without bias and to review concession agreements to ascertain that they live up to the intent of the agreements, especially as they relate to employment of Liberians; and  the need to provide oversight of all segments of Government.

Warning, VP Taylor said: “As each will be graded by the people and the results there from will form their legacies, forever etched in the sands of time. This sobering reality goes further, as it affects not only the Leader, but their succeeding generations.”

Meanwhile, VP Howard Taylor has informed Senators that the result from the just ended December 8, 2020 senatorial election is clarion message from the people that they are no longer going to accept business as usually, but a first Branch of government that ensure that the county’s governing system responds to the wishes of the of the people, and provides for their safety and happiness.

 “That being said, I would be remiss were I not to remind each of us, as we commence our duties, that we stand on the shoulders of great patriots of our Land; some of whom have passed through these walls and left behind them positive footprints in the sands of time,” the Liberian VP said.

She continued: “But this reminder pales in comparison to the fact that we stand on HALLOWED GROUNDS – representing the blood, sweat and tears of our founding fathers, the tenacity of our gallant women, the hope of preceding generations and the loud voices of our young compatriots who make up a majority of our citizenry.”