Liberia secures $20million from OPEC fund to boast its fishery sector

Kru cannoes at a fishing point in Marshall
Liberian fishermen with Kru cannoe at a fishing point in Marshall[photo: Mark Dahn]

Liberia through its National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority has signed a US$20 million loan and a US$240,000 complementary technical assistance grant with OPEC Fund to co-finance the Liberia Sustainable Management of Fisheries Project with the World Bank.

OPEC Fund for International Development provided the US$20 million loan and a US$240,000 complementary technical assistance grant to the Republic of Liberia to co-finance the Sustainable Management of Fisheries Project in Liberia.

The country’s fishery authority head  Emma Metieh Glassco signed on behalf of the government of Liberia while Dr. Abdulhamid Alkhalifa the Director General of OPEC signed on behalf of his organization.

 “We are signing today a very important project and it is our honor as a fund along with the World Bank to be part of the signing ceremony.”

Speaking Friday October 14, 2022 in Washington DC at the World Bank Headquarters, the Director General of OPEC Fund said they are delighted to provide funding to Liberia sustainable Management of Fisheries Project because the project is intended to create job opportunities for coastal dwellers. 

Dr. Abdulhamid Alkhalifa disclosed that when he read about the impact the Liberian fisheries project would have on the more than 55,000 beneficiaries OPEC Fund saw the need to provide the necessary funding to help make the project a success.

Additionally, Dr. Alkhalifa stated in a NaFAA press release that the project will also provide what he termed as sustainable job opportunities for coastal community dwellers which they at OPEC consider as welcoming.

The OPEC fund Director General announced that aside from the US20Milliom loan they are providing a complementary technical assistance grant in the tone of US$240,000 which will have particular impact on women in fisheries.

NaFAA Boss in Washington
The Liberia fishery sector remains a vibrant one as it continues to attract donor funding

Dr.  Alkhalifa recalled that OPEC Fund has been working with the government of Liberia on several developmental initiatives since 1978.

Speaking on behalf of Liberia, the Director General of the National fisheries and Aquaculture Authority and Fisheries Expert Emma Metieh Glassco mentioned that the objective of the Liberia Sustainable Management of Fisheries is to transition from artisanal fisheries to semi industrial fishing, which leads to more. Sustainable fishing.

Madam Glassco said such method will help fishermen increase their catch, ensure food security and improve their livelihoods.

“I am super excited that we have been able to attracted additional US$20Million to the US$40Million fisheries project totaling US$60Million for the people of Liberia with the aim of developing our fisheries sector which has enormous potential of contributing to economic growth”.

Madam Glassco said her team was pleased to attract what she called additional US$20Milion for the Liberian

Fisheries sector which has enormous potential of contributing to economic growth.

The project will improve the management of fisheries, making it more efficient and sustainable and as well enhance the living conditions of beneficiary communities, creating better incomes and new opportunities for over 55,000 people, including women, children and youth. 

The Liberia Sustainable Management of Fisheries Project, (LSMFP) will positively impact at least six densely populated coastal counties of the nine coastal counties in Liberia which includes Montserrado, Margibi, Maryland, Grand Bassa, Sinoe and Grand Kru. 

Meanwhile, the Liberia Sustainable Management of Fisheries Project is designed to improve the ecosystem of fisheries, promote sustainability, increase the volume of fish landings and create more than 2,000 jobs. It will also help to implement climate-smart technologies and climate-resilient business improvements.