Bad road condition hampers movement of goods and services across southeastern Liberia

Nimba Zwedru High Way
Roads in South Eastern Liberia usually worsen during the rainy season[photo: Liberian Observer]

By August Zeon|LPR News, Zwedru

In Southeastern Liberia, deplorable condition of road is obstructing free movement of goods and services thus, creating hardship for citizens and residents in that part of the country.

One of such condition is facing the Zwedru-Fish Town high way, which has been cutoff recently due to the heavy downpour of rain days ago.

Liberia Public Radio correspondent in the area observed that  more than 15 vehicles have been stalled   deep into the heavy mud thus making the radio impassible.  Augustus Zobombo coordinator the Liberia Land Authority in Grand Gedeh told Our  correspondent added that as a result only motorbikes are used to transport people in the area.

 “Only Motorbike people here can use to go one place to another”, he said.

He told reporters while on  his county tour from Maryland and River Gee, his car got stalled and he his team  spent three nights prior to our arrival there. 

Other passengers and drivers we interviewed talked of spending more than four days in that mud.

Palm butter Hill
Palm Butter Hill between Sinoe and River Cess Counties is one of the deadly road in southeastern Liberia[photo: Daniel Krakue|SESDeV]

Some commuters told our correspondent that due the bad road situation, some business owners are increasing prices of consumer goods in those countries.

Meanwhile, commuters alone the route are appealing to the central government to recondition the Zwedru-Harper highway in order to safely transport their goods along the route.