2008  SKD Stadium Stampede victims Monument Abandoned by Ministry of Youth and Sport

2008 stampede in Liberia
2008 stampede in Liberia

Monument of falling Liberia Lone Star fans whose went to cheer the Liberia National Team the Lone Star and subsequently died after a stampede at the Sports Stadium is said to be abandoned by authorities of the Ministry of Youth & Sports.

At least 10, cheering soccer fans of the Lone Star, including : Luke Yarmah, Jefferson Barttey, Bendu Sirleaf, Obediah Gbogar and Laye Conneh, Peter Kolie, Emmay Gboto, Armstrong Kpar and Monger Zuweh, died on June 1, 2008, when Liberia Lone Star drew 1-1 with the Scorpions of Gambia.

The Cause of their death was a result of the overcrowdings of the SKD Sports Stadium which host approximately 35,000 spectators, but when surpass that number, causing stampede.

However, fans of the Lone Star frustratingly left the Stadium, following a 1-1 draw, after Machine Man, Oliver Makor, levelled up for the Lone Star from a set piece, in an Africa Cup of Nations qualifiers.

Immediately after the disappointing Match, a historical monument was erected at the Samuel Kanyon Doe Sports Complex, following the death of those diehard Supporters of the Liberia National Team.

SKD turfs
Liberia will wait until CAF inspections before playing any international game at SKD

According to a Liberia Public Radio investigation, the historical Monument has been abandoned by Authority of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Soccer lovers and pundits have also expressed dissent over how the current administration at the MYS has intentionally ignored the importance of the monument as the Ministry has totally abandoned the broken-down image.  

Investigation  have it that the structure of the monument has been broken down laying in an abandoned corner as top officials of the MYS, passby the monument without showing any interest to recondition the historical site.

However in effort to Contact, Youth & Sports, Minister D. Zeogar Wilson, to comment on the current status of the Monument, failed to respond to the Press, as his phone rang tirelessly without respond.

In furtherance Our investigation established that in the last five years, under the leadership of Minister D. Zeogar Wilson as Minister of Youth & Sports, not a single visit has been made to relatives or family members of any of the victims as it was done by the previous administration.

Minister Wilson, according to an inside source at the MYS, has allegedly refused to entertain any conversation regarding the conduct of a memorial event that seeks to memorialize the June 1,2008  incident and the victims.