Deadlock: June 7 protesters promised to Continue

Protesters gathered at the capitol building on Friday [photo: Musa M. B. Kenneh]

As the June 7 protesters co-named “save the state” continue to match towards the national legislature on Capitol Hill, security here in the Capital Monrovia remained tight as most of the streets and shops were closed.

Speaking to Liberia Public Radio Friday afternoon some business owners in Monrovia said although the protest  was peaceful, but they were taking initial precaution for any eventuality during the protest. Since the announcement of the June 7, 2019 protest many Liberians have purchasing large quantity of food and essential materials in stock in case violence erupts during the protest.

The protesters have long listing of issues they want president George Weah address including the dismissal of the country’s finance and Development Planning Minister Samuel Tweah and the head of the central Bank Nathaniel Patray, II.


Friday protest was unarguably the biggest since the country civil conflict ended some 15 years ago, and is likely to continue on Monday, June 10, as both the government and the organizers of the mass demonstration, The Council of Patriots, failed to reach common grounds on the delivery of the petition for which the protest was held.

The save the state protesters were expected to present their petition to the government of Liberia at 3:00PM Liberian time (11:00 AM EST) but did materialized as Vice President Jewel Howard-Taylor who was expected to receive the petition from Council of Patriots failed to show up reportedly due to health reasons.

Parts of central Monrovia remain quiet as protest goes on [photo: Mark Dahn]

The petition which has already been leaked to the media  seek actions on matters relating to corruption, governance, the economy and the provision of basic social services for Liberian citizens.

However, it is also speculated that the Vice President refusal was based on allegation from the President that she’s one of the quiet master minders of the June 7 Protest.

LPR’s Sam  Kraty Droue who was on the scene  at the Capitol building was unable to verify reports relating to why the VP Taylor  did not show up to receive the petition.

He explained that Foreign Affairs Minister Gbehzhongar M. Findley, Justice Minister Frank Musah Dean, Minister of State without Portfolio, Trokon A. Kpui, Representative Edwin Snowe, who is also an ECOWAS Parliamentarian and the ECOWAS Ambassador to Liberia, Amb. Babatunde Ajisomo, were all present to receive the petition but the protesters failed to present the petition to them.

Ordinary citizens sit quietly over the outcome of the protest [photo: LPR-Monrovia]


Our reporter said the protesters were also demanding the release of some un-named student leaders who were allegedly being detained by the Liberia National Police before presenting their petition to the government. see Full text of the leaked petition