Klay Vocational Center trains several youths in Bomi

Many wood species in Liberia can produce nice furniture

By Francis Caulker 


The Klay agriculture and vocational training Center has graduated several  young people in several disciplines including  Bamboo Rattan weaving  and vegetables.

Mr. Sylvester Kpai, who served as a keynote speaker, spoke on the topic: agriculture is a vital role to the economic development of any growing nation looking at the low rate of the country natural resources.

He told the graduates that it is now time for Liberian to go back to the soil in order to increase food security with the level of knowledge acquired from the training.

Mr. Kpai called on national government to support the agriculture sector of Liberia because the country cannot continue to depend on importation.

He urged the graduates to organize themselves into cooperative and use the skills acquired for the betterment of the country.

For his part, Director of the Klay Vocational Training Center Mr. Fredrick Massaquoi said about 84 youths benefited from several disciplines to include piggery, Rattan Weaving, vegetables production among many others.

He mentioned that the George Weah led government is making all efforts in consultation with the Ministry of Youth and Sports through the China.

 Mr. Massaquoi however admonished the graduates to be useful and contribute to the growth  and development of the country.

Meanwhile the graduates have expressed satisfaction over the level of achievement over the past 6 months and promised to utilize the skills acquired.


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